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Okay, so back in December I got an Asus Striker Extreme mobo... piece of junk. I've tried installing a couple different installations (Kalyway, LEO4ALL v2 and v3) on it, never succeeded.


But now the unstable motherboard is crashing alot in Windows too, so I'm just going to get a new one altogether.


Here's my other specs:


Case: Antec P90

Chip: Intel Q6600

Video: MSI 8800GTS 640MB OC (Considering selling this and downgrading; any recommendations for a decent non-gaming card?)

Ram: 8 GB DDR2

Hard Discs: Several SATA, one ESATA, 2 USB, and one IDE (I'd prefer MacOS to go here)

Sound: Digidesign 002


So can someone recommend me a good board that will make OSX86 installation as easy as possible, support my hardware, be stable, and run good?


Limit would be around $200...



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The wiki has good list of compatible motherboards depending on which version of OS X you want to run.


The Asus p5w dh mobo is one of the most compatible boards for running Leopard. I'm running 10.5.3 with everything working except Time Machine which will be fix someday I hope, but it's not a big worry.

Video: MSI 8800GTS 640MB OC (Considering selling this and downgrading; any recommendations for a decent non-gaming card?)


I have a XFX GeForce 7900 GT. Also good for light gaming and it should be cheap now. Great OS X compatibility (only available used, I suppose).

I'm a complete OSX86 noob and I had no trouble getting an Asus P5K-VM running with Kaly 10.5.2. I only had to patch the onboard sound, everything else (lan, 4 x SATA, firewire) all worked out of the box. I threw in an ATI card to get QE/CI and more resolutions. It's running like a dream.

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