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1) I followed the instructions in this thread (the first post of this thread, not the replies): http://forum.osx86project.org/index.php?showtopic=9317

The 10.4.3 kexts I used were from 8F1111, except AppleHDA.kext, which was from 8F1099.

2) I copied all the contents of the 8F1111 AppleHDA.kext into the 8F1099 kext, except the MacOS folder.

3) I fixed the permissions using the following commands:

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/


If you don't have 10.4.3 installed, here is how to get most of the kexts from the DVD:

1) Put the DVD of the version you want to extract the kexts from in your drive.

2) Create a folder names kexts on your desktop

3) Open a terminal and type the following:

kextunpack -d ./Desktop/kexts "/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/Extensions.mkext"


Now you have the kexts from the DVD in the kexts folder on your desktop.



I hope it helps someone.

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