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Has anyone here successfully installed rtorrent with wtorrent as a webui? I have been using rtorrent for some time without any problems and would really benefit from using wtorrent, I am having issues installing some of the dependencies for wtorrent. xmlrpc-c won't build on my system following this guide http://multipleentendre.com/rtorrent-and-wtorrent-on-osx/


hopefully people could share their experiences. :)

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  • 1 year later...
I know it's old, but i'm trying 3 days now to make it happen but with no luck, i've started with Fink, removed it and now trying with MacPorts..


Anybody? HEEELP! :(


I would recommend against using package managers like Fink & Macports... I've compiled plenty of Unix programs from source on Leopard using just gcc from XCode. Have you tried this?

  • 4 weeks later...

I got this working this afternoon, but it is a hell of a process...


Here are some links that I found useful... I'm not sure I can go through it all step by step... and much of what I needed I was able to get through macports.




You'll need to install mod_scgi in apache. You can get it here: http://python.ca/scgi/

To install it, unzip the archive, cd to the apache2 folder, and run 'sudo apxs -i -a -c mod_scgi.c'


Once it is installed and wtorrent has been extracted to your webserver root, be sure to add "scgi_port = localhost:5000" to your .rtorrent.rc and "SCGIMount /RPC2" to your httpd.conf, and then restart apache. You will have to trim the httpd binary down as mentioned on the above page.


Basically everything you need to know can be found at http://www.wtorrent-project.org/trac/wiki/wTorrentInstall and http://multipleentendre.com/rtorrent-and-wtorrent-on-osx/

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