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Above Cable 802.11b ACPC2010-11 PCMCIA Prism (?) 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Accton 802.11b ACEW3101 PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Addtron 802.11b AWP100 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Agere 802.11b OrinocoGold PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Airport also?

Agere 802.11b OrinocoSilver PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Airport also?

Alfa 802.11g AWPC006G Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Alfa 802.11g AWPCI06G PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Alvarion 802.11b PC-DS.11b PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Airport also?

Ambicom 802.11b WL1100BPC PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Ambicom 802.11b WL1100BCF Comp. Flash Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Ambicom 802.11b WL1100CCF Comp. Flash Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Asante 802.11b AL1001 RevA PCMCIA Prism (?) 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Asante 802.11b AL1001 RevB PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 Asante IOxperts driver avail.

Asante 802.11b AL1011DP PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 Asante, Macsense IOxperts driver avail.

Asante 802.11b AL1011FR PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Asante 802.11b AL1211DP PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Asante 802.11b AL2001 USB Amtel 9, 10.2-10.4 Belkin Belkin drv With Asante VID

Asante 802.11g AL5403-XG Cardbus Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1 and up

Avaya 802.11b 700016785 PCMCIA Orinoco 8.6-9.x Avaya IOxperts driver for 10.x

Avaya 802.11b 700016777 PCMCIA Orinoco 8.6-9.x Avaya IOxperts driver for 10.x

Aztech 802.11b? WL830PC Cardbus? Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare


Belkin 802.11b F5D6000 PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

Belkin 802.11b F5D6020 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Belkin 802.11b F5D6050 USB Amtel 9, 10.2-10.4 Belkin

Belkin 802.11g F5D7000 PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native need Vend ID unless AP 3.4

Belkin 802.11g F5D7000UK PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native need Vend ID unless AP 3.4

Belkin 802.11g F5D7011 PCMCIA Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.4.1

Ben-Q 802.11b AWL-100 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Buffalo 802.11g WLICBG54 Cardbus Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native

Buffalo 802.11g WLIPCIG54 PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native UK version as well

Buffalo 802.11b WLICFS11G Comp. Flash Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Melco brand as well

Buffalo 802.11b WLIPCML11 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 Ioxperts (10.2 and up), Macsense Melco brand as well

Buffalo 802.11b WLIPCML11G USB (?) Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 Ioxperts (10.2 and up), Macsense Melco brand as well

Buffalo 802.11b ""PCML11GP PCMCIA Agere (?) 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Melco brand as well


Cisco 802.11b AIRPCM340 PCMCIA Aironet (?) 8.6-up Cisco

Cisco 802.11b AIRPCI340 PCI Aironet (?) 8.6-up Cisco

Cisco 802.11b AIRPCM350 PCMCIA Aironet 8.6-up Cisco Great card, 100mw…

Cisco 802.11b AIRLMC350 PCMCIA Aironet 8.6-up Cisco

Cisco 802.11b AIRPCI352 PCI Aironet 9-up Cisco

Compaq 802.11b IPAQHNW100 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Compaq 802.11b WL100 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Compaq 802.11b WL110 PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Airport also?

Compex 802.11b WL11A PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Airport also?


D-link 802.11b DCF650W PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

D-link 802.11b DCF660W PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

D-link 802.11b DWL-122 USB Prism2/2.5/3 10.2-10.4 D-link Use DWL122 1.4.7 driver

D-link 802.11a/b/g DWL-AG520 PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

D-link 802.11g DWL-G520 PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

D-link 802.11b DWL-650 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 Ioxperts (10.2 and up), Macsense Rev A1 thru J3 are Prism

D-link 802.11b/g DWL-G650X Cardbus ? 10.2-10.4 D-link

D-link 802.11a/b/g DWL-AG650 Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

D-link 802.11g DWL-G650 Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare HW Rev B1 only

D-link 802.11b/g DWL-G810 Ethernet 9, 10.2-10.4 N/A Ethernet Adapter

Dell 802.11b TruMobil1150 PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Digicom 802.11b 8E4084 PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts


Edimax 802.11b EW-7103PC PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Elecom 802.11b LD-WL11/PCC PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Elecom 802.11a/b/g LD-WL5411A/B Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Elecom 802.11a/b/g LD-WL54AG/CB Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

ELSA 802.11b MC-11 PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

ELSA 802.11b Vianect MC11 PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Emuticom 802.11b WL11000 PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

EnGenius 802.11b EL-2011 PCMCIA Prism (?) 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts see Senao

EnGenius 802.11b EL-2511 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts see Senao

Enterasys 802.11b CSSIBD-AA PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense Cabletron as well

Enterasys 802.11b CSICDAW128 PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense Cabletron as well

Eusso 802.11b/g GL2454-01 Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Eusso 802.11b/g GL2454-VP PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare


Farallon (see Proxim)

Fujitsu 802.11b E-1100 PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Siemens

Fujitsu 802.11a/b/g E5454 Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Fujitsu 802.11a/b/g E5454/CB ? Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Fujitsu 802.11a/b/g FMV-JW481 Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare


Gemtek 802.11b WL612F PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Global Sun 802.11b GL24110P PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter


Hamlet 802.11b HNWP100 PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Hewlitt-Packard 802.11b HN220W? PCMCIA 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Hewlitt-Packard 802.11b WL110 PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Airport also?


IBM 802.11b 09N9904 Orinoco?

IBM 802.11a/g 31P9101 Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

IO Data 802.11b WN-B11/PCM PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

IO Data 802.11b WNB11/PCMH PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Intel 802.11b WPC1011 PCMCIA Symbol 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense Orinoco based


JAHT 802.11b/g JWN-5108P Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

JAHT 802.11b/g JWN-5108PCI PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare


KCORP Lifestyle 802.11b/g KLG-520 Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

KCORP Lifestyle 802.11b/g KLG-530 PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Krone-AirLAN 802.11b 6462211900 PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts


Lancom Systems 802.11a/b MC-54ab Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Lancom Systems 802.11a/g MC-54ag Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Lancom Systems 802.11g MC-54g Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Lancom Systems 802.11a/g MC-54ag PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Linksys 802.11b WDT11 PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

Linksys 802.11b WET11 Ethernet Prism2/2.5/3 Any N/A Ethernet Adapter

Linksys 802.11b WPC11 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense ver. 1.0, 2.5 and 3.0 only

Linksys 802.11g WMP54G* PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native *Only v2 of card has Broadcom

Linksys 802.11g WPC54G Cardbus Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native

Linksys 802.11a/b/g WMP55AG PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Linksys 802.11a/g WPC55AG Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Linksys 802.11b WUSB11 (v.2.5-2.8) USB Prism 10.2-10.4 D-link DWL122 Drivers

Longshine 802.11b 8031 PCI ? 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter?

Lucent 802.11b WaveLANGold PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense Airport also?

Lucent 802.11b WaveLANSilv. PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense Airport also?

Lucent 802.11b WaveLANBronze PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Airport also?


Macsense 802.11b WUA-400 USB Prism2/2.5/3 9-up Macsense

Macsense 802.11b WPE-600 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 8.6-up Macsense

Macsense 802.11b WUA-700 USB Prism2/2.5/3 9-up Macsense

Macsense 802.11b WPE-700 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 8.6-up Macsense

Macsense 802.11b WPE-800 Cardbus Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native

MacWireless 802.11b HMWPCI? PCI None 10.2-10.4 ??? No Good in Beige/B&W G3

MacWireless 802.11g ? Cardbus Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native

MacWireless 802.11g ? PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native

MacWireless 802.11g ? Ethernet ? Any None Ethernet Adapter

Melco (see Buffalo)

Microsoft 802.11b MN-520 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Microsoft 802.11g MN-720 Cardbus Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native Add Vendor ID string

Microsoft 802.11g MN-730 PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.3.1 Add Vendor ID string (pci14e4,4325 for

Milan 802.11b MIL1897 PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

MMC 802.11b MW1000PCM PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Motorola 802.11b/g WPC1810G PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1 and up


Nat.Datacom 802.11b NCP130 PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

NEC 802.11a/b/g WL54AG Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

NEC 802.11b PCWL/11C PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Netgear 802.11b MA101 USB Amtel 9, 10.2-10.4 Belkin Belkin drv. w/Netgear VID

Netgear 802.11b MA111 (Ver. 1 ONLY) USB Prism 10.2-10.4 Dlink DWL-122 1.4.7 Drivers Edit ID strings in driver

Netgear 802.11b MA301 PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

Netgear 802.11b MA401 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Netgear 802.11b MA401RA PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Netgear 802.11a/b/g WAG311 PCI Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Netgear 802.11g WG511T Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Netgear 802.11g WGE111 Ethernet 9, 10.2-10.4 N/A Ethernet Adapter

Nokia 802.11b C110 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Nokia 802.11b C111 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Nortel/Emobility 802.11b DR4000005 PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter



Panasonic 802.11b CFVWLS071U PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Persol 802.11b PBW001 PCMCIA 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Planex 802.11b GWCF11 PCMCIA 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Proxim 802.11b 8420-WD PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense Farallon; Airport drivers?

Proxim 802.11b 8430 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Proxim 802.11b PN474(Skyline USB) USB Amtel 9 Proxim Belkin OS X drivers?




Sagem 802.11g XG-703A USB ? 10.2-10.4 Sagem

Samsumg 802.11b SWL2000N PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Samsumg 802.11b SWL2100N PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Samsumg 802.11g SWL5200N ? Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Senao 802.11b SL-2511 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts see Engenius

Siemens 802.11b SS1021 PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Siemens 802.11b SS1023 PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

Sitecom 802.11b WL-002 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Sitecom 802.11g WL-100b Cardbus Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native

Sitecom 802.11g WL-110b PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native

SMC 802.11a/b/g 2336WAG Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

SMC 802.11a/g 2536WAG Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

SMC 802.11b SMC2602 PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

SMC 802.11b SMC2532WB PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

SMC 802.11b SMC2632W PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts ver 1 only

Sonnet 802.11b/g G54CB Cardbus Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native Aria Extreme

Sonnet 802.11b/g G54PCI PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native Aria Extreme

Sony 802.11b ERA201D1 PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Sony 802.11b PCWAC100 PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense Airport drivers also?

Sony 802.11b PCWAC150S PCMCIA Orinoco 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts Airport drivers also?

Sony 802.11g PCWAC300S Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Sony 802.11a/b/g PCWAC800S ? Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Syntax 802.11b USB-400 USB Prism 10.2-10.4 Dlink DWL-122 1.4.7 Drivers Edit Info plist in driver and add VID.


Telekom 802.11b T-Sinus 130? PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

3Com 802.11b PCI777A PCI None 10.2-10.4 IOxperts PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

3Com 802.11a/b/g 3CRPAG175 Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

3Com 802.11a/b/g 3CRWE154A72 Cardbus Atheros 10.2-10.4 OrangeWare

Toshiba 802.11b ? PCMCIA ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

TRENDWare 802.11g TEW403PCI PCI Broadcom 10.2-10.4 Airport 3.1-3.3; 3.4 and up native


Uniden 802.11b PCW300 Cardbus? ? 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts? PCMCIA or Cardbus?

US Robotics 802.11b USR2410 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

US Robotics 802.11b USR2415 PCI None None None PCMCIA to PCI Adapter

US Robotics 802.11b USR2445 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense




Xircom 802.11b CWE1120 PCMCIA Aironet 8.6-up Cisco? Cisco drv with VID string?

Xircom 802.11b CWE1130 PCMCIA Aironet 8.6-up Cisco? Cisco drv with VID string?


Yamaha 802.11b YBL11B5 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense


Z-Com 802.11b XI300 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Z-Com 802.11b XI300B PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Z-Com 802.11b XI325 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts (Zcomax?)

Z-Com 802.11b XI325HP PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Zoom 802.11b 4100 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts, Macsense

Zyxel 802.11b 100 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 IOxperts

Zyxel 802.11g G-405 Ethernet Unknown 9, 10.2-10.4 None Ethernet Adapter


Good Luck,


i grabbed the dlink usb one and it works fine

thc for the info...


but, ummm ok so none of these tested on 10.5?...


also, any card that specifically work natively?... can people vote on which on is better compatible... because some people have trouble like it keeps cutting off and so with some cards and I dont want to get any of those...


Thanks again

  • 6 months later...



I've got this card but I have no idea how to get it to work, or what this line even means:


D-link 802.11b DWL-650 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 Ioxperts (10.2 and up), Macsense Rev A1 thru J3 are Prism


The lights blink on it if I put it in, and a cardbus icon appears in the top right corner, but I don't get anything in Airport. PC Cards shows an unidentified Ethernet controller when I plug it in, and says atheros. Is there some guide for getting this to work on 10.5 (10.5.5 ideneb 1.3)







I've got this card but I have no idea how to get it to work, or what this line even means:


D-link 802.11b DWL-650 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 9, 10.2-10.4 Ioxperts (10.2 and up), Macsense Rev A1 thru J3 are Prism


The lights blink on it if I put it in, and a cardbus icon appears in the top right corner, but I don't get anything in Airport. PC Cards shows an unidentified Ethernet controller when I plug it in, and says atheros. Is there some guide for getting this to work on 10.5 (10.5.5 ideneb 1.3)






I just picked up a USB DLINK from Frys for $18 bucks and plugged it in went to Network setting and it worked...


Nothing else to do straight out of the box...... I have a netgear router... I also disabled security to make everythign easy..

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