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Dell Dimension DIMXPS

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Hello, I have a Dell Dimension DIMXPS that I bought back in July of 2003. I was thinking about installing OSX onto a external drive I have laying around, and was wondering how I would go about doing this on my computer.

My computer's specs are:

Pentium 4 CPU 3.00GHz

2.00 GB of RAM

ATI Radeon 9800 Series



Thanks in advance, I hope it's possible to use OSX with my {censored} (top of the line)6 year old computer.

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He's aghast because despite the numerous stickies and massive quantity of information around here, people post "Duh, will this computer work" questions all the time, and I'm guessing is rather fed up with it. I am not yet past my threshold. Look at the hardware compatability list to see if anyone has reported success with your particular machine. If it's not there, do some research. Search the forum for it. Use Google. Look at the chipsets, and find out what installation type might be closest to it, and then try.



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I'm sorry. I did look at that list, and I did search the forums(I guess because I didn't state this earlier that makes me annoying to all the vets on this forum?). I came up with nothing that's why I posted this call for help. Trust me I looked hard, and the last thing I wanted to do was make a post and ask if anyone could help me out... So yes once again sorry for asking for help.

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no worries. it doesn't bother me as much as the more longterm guys. Typically yeah, you have to qualify a post for help with "I searched and couldn't find a solution... maybe you dudes know the answer", sad though it may be that so many have gotten so terribly jaded.


...but a better question would be, why do you want to run OSX on a 6 year old PC? :(

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no worries. it doesn't bother me as much as the more longterm guys. Typically yeah, you have to qualify a post for help with "I searched and couldn't find a solution... maybe you dudes know the answer", sad though it may be that so many have gotten so terribly jaded.

Yeah I guess I'll keep that in mind next time...*notes to self: Forum goers automatically assume you don't look before asking.*


...but a better question would be, why do you want to run OSX on a 6 year old PC? :censored2:

Because I can't afford a new computer, so I decided it might be fun to at least install a new OS on it(and I'm a bit too afraid of Lunix).

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well, look for other computers with similar chipsets, other motherboards that are the same or similar, etc. Once you get closer to the nitty-gritty, you may find out what works and what doesn't with your comp.


...or you could just start downloading some different versions of the hacked installers, and try different combos until you get something that works.

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*notes to self: Forum goers automatically assume you don't look before asking.*

For good reason because 95% of noobs don't search or search poorly/limited even when they say they did. <_<


Finding out your motherboard model would help greatly. The problem is the Dell often uses custom motherboards on older machines (slightly modified stock boards).

If that is the case, finding out what northbridge and southbridge chips it uses would be beneficial.


Of course you could also just download a OSx86 DVD and try booting from it. Its not gonna hurt your current installation as long as you don't install on the internal HD.

At the worst you'll just waste a 3GB download, but you'll have a DVD to use on a possible future computer.

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Well I can't seem to find out what motherboard I have. I tried the google, and looked in the manual. The only thing I didn't do was actually open up my computer and look in side, though if I did do that I wouldn't even know where to look. So I guess I'll first do what knewsom suggested. Then if all else fails I'll go the random route.


Thank you for your time.

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