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kernel question !

ahmed kamal

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hii ,


i know its a stupid question but who can i tell , so i post it here again and hope to explain .


when am trying to search or download or installing leopard (kalyways or leo4all3) "i dont know the diffrences" all going


fine , expect sleep ,and my screen resolution . i see all talking about the "kernel" . in fact am windows user , and i dont


know what is this kernel and how can i use it and which one can i choose for my laptop .


thanks very much , "please all i need just 1 reply with full explain thanks again" .


my laptop spec :

acer aspire 5710z

processor : intel 1.73ghz dual core . "working"

ram : 2 * 1ghz = 2ghz ddr2 ram . "working"

vga : intel gma 950 . "reolution only 1024*768"

sound : alc268 ."working"

hdd : 160g toshiba sata . "working"

camera : chicony or acer crystaleye webcam " fail" >> "never work"

dvd rw . "working"

broadcom wifi ."working"

broadcom ethernet . "working"

keybad and mouse . "working"

modem : hdaudio . "working"

i love leo .

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kernel is the basic engine of the operating system.

kexts are special kernel extensions loaded, if needed and fit to the hardware.



for each operating system version there is a kernel ( latest os x is 10.5.2 with 9.2.2 kernel)


with this project there are different kernel and modified "patched" kernels around, some for running on amd-cpus.

vanilla kernels are called the original apple released kernels.


furthermore the kernel is unix-based ( as linux) but modified to fit into apple os.

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I need your help, please. Which the best install disc for Acer Aspire 5710z?

And what's the perfect installation steps (drivers, bootloaders, ...)?


Sorry my bad english.

Please answer me, i would like a Leo! :) Thanx!!!

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