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Kalyway 10.5.2 leopard install. 3 questions.


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First, I would like to apologize for my many questions - but I would greatly appreciate some help.



How can I install new kernels and have it set to default? And once it is, and I decide that I want to make my original vanilla kernel the default again - how would i go on about doing that?




Secondly, does the os x automatically change the brightness/contrast and such of your monitor? Lets say depending on night and day?. Because it seems that during the day, the contrast seems to be much higher and the brightness lower.


Also, what I just noticed now is that the fonts are broken up. Doesn't look clean at all.


Any ideas?

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I am a newbee, so apologies if my answer is not correct. But since I have tried this myself, I think this is the correct answer to your first question:


You can test a new kernel by typing the kernel's name on the darwin boot menu, just before the system starts loading kexts. For example, you can type "modbinkernel". Once you have fully tested a new kernel, you cat set it to be the default one by editing the /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist file and putting the new kernel's name instead of the default matck_kernel.

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That's not a good way of doing it.


Replace the default kernel by renaming it with the mv command and then move the new kernel into / rename it as mach_kernel and boot. Editing the boot plist is overkill, you really don't want to change it just because of a kernel.

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anyone? o.O


On my Kalyway 10.5.2, they are located on the root of the filesystem. Just beside the default mach_kernel binary. Look for files containing the word "kernel" in their name. The one I am using now is named "modbinkernel", which is a 9.2.2 kernel with AMD support.

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