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Hy, i have a nvidia chipset...apparently there aren't error messages and in disk utility there isn't any sata device ..only the dvd drive.

I have suxexfully installed it on the other machines but on this not....

Remember I've tried leo4all and kalyway but noresults.

Thanks for the fast reply and excuse me for my poor english...I'm italian


I am having the same problem. leopard will not recognize my HD in the Disk Utility during installation. My Hard Drive is a IDE\ATA. I thought it was my Hard Drive kexts that was the issue. I think the real problem is really my Mobo. I have an ATI Chipset Mobo.


Problem: Tiger installs fine but Leopard does not have my ATI Chipset support i think.

Solution: Inject Tigers ATI Mobo kexts into Leopards installation disk (which i already know how to do)


What i need help on is i need to know which kexts do i take from Tigers install to make Leopard support my Chipset?





P.S. Screenshot below are is my Tiger Kexts from a working install on my PC (you may need to zoom in)


Could you explain how to do cause of someone said me that i need to insert the nforce ata drivers in leo4all...please help!!!


Rochi in order to inject kexts into an ISO you have to do it within MAC or possibly Linux.



1. hdiutil attach /"Your ISO File" -readwrite

2. mkdir ~/inject

3. mkextunpack -d ~/inject /Volumes/YourMountedISO/System/Library/Extensions.mkext

4. rm -rf ~/inject/AppleNForceATA.kext

5. cp -rp /path/to/new/AppleNForceATA.kext ~/inject

6. chown -R root:wheel ~/inject

7. chmod -R 755 ~/inject

8. kextcache -m ~/Extensions.mkext ~/inject

9. rm -rf /Volumes/YourMountedISO/System/Library/Extensions.mkext

10. cp -rp ~/Extensions.mkext /Volumes/YourMountedISO/System/Library

Eject, then reboot.




1. hdiutil attach /"Your ISO File" -readwrite

2. rm -rf /"Your ISO File"/System/Library/Extensions/IOATAFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleNForceATA.kext

3. cp -rp /path/to/new/AppleNForceATA.kext /"Your ISO File"/System/Library/Extensions/IOATAFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns

4. chown -R root:wheel /"Your ISO File"/System/Library/Extensions/IOATAFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleNForceATA.kext

5. chmod -R 755 /"Your ISO File"/System/Library/Extensions/IOATAFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleNForceATA.kext

Eject, then boot


hope this helps :D

only wish somebody could help me...*sighs* :)

Ok I got one step further. I successfully installed it on a 500GB USB drive and it wont recognize my internal IDE\ATA drive. If i can find out my problem then i can clone it and restore it to my internal drive.


Here is how I got this far, and step 4 is what I need to do still

Step 1: "still waiting on root device"

Step 2: used EXTERNAL USB DVD drive to get to installer but it didn't recognize HD

Step 3: installed to USB hard drive

Step 4: need to find out how to make it read my IDE\ATA internal HD then clone it to it.


can somebody pleeeze help me get Leopard to recognize my Internal Hard Drive? fyi I am using a ATI chipset Mobo.

SUCCESS on Gateway MT3707 "still waiting on root device" problem


Here is the problem and the solution:

PROBLEM: "still waiting on root device"

Step 1: used EXTERNAL USB DVD drive to get to installer screen but it didn't recognize my HD

Step 2: successfully installed to USB hard drive

Step 3: injected some kexts from Tiger 10.4.9 which seemed to work

Step 4: once it recognized my Internal HD I then cloned the Leopard installation from my USB HD to my Internal HD


List of Kexts I injected:








-ATIRadeon.....(all of them)





I dont know which one of these did the trick but all I know is is that it worked! :D


JT, the son and partner of trf on the (OQO now has the worlds smallest MAC!) project

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