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best for AMD?


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hi all,


ive tried to install leo4allv2 on my amd mechine but i keep geting a loop at account cration and to even get there i have to be in safe mode. im ready to try another distro(?) o type of osx for the pc. any ideas for an AMD system? (nforce 4 chipset and an nVidia 7300 if it matters) what is the bet one for AMD?


thanks in advance!


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Hey gang. I too would be interested on what distro would be best for installing on an AMD 3000+. Thus far everyone's been a bit reluctant to speak. I understand that now with the Pyestar fiasco. But really, us AMD users feel like red headed stepchildren around here.


I'm just trying to get to nirvana same as you guys. So what do you say? Help a brotha out!

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hi all,


ive tried to install leo4allv2 on my amd mechine but i keep geting a loop at account cration and to even get there i have to be in safe mode. im ready to try another distro(?) o type of osx for the pc. any ideas for an AMD system? (nforce 4 chipset and an nVidia 7300 if it matters) what is the bet one for AMD?


thanks in advance!



hey duo make sure to post ur PC specs it helps them to tell you what to do.


as for me i am also using an amd machine. I have tried two different distro's that people told me to use and still nothin. So i also need to know which one to use. btw i am also using nforce 405. I am always getting one of three messages: ioata blocking device bus;waiting for root device; and sam read write error. can someone help me too?

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yeah, we do feel neglected!

i found out from another source (because this forum hates AMD) that Zephyroth amd 10.5.2 is good


Relax, not all questions here are answered. Don't get mad, you have no reason to. Look at all the other people's unanswered questions.. :wacko:

Also, don't forget to post specs!


And yes, I highly recommend Zephyroth for AMD boards. Kalyway will run, but give you issues here and there.

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