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Trying to "Software Update"


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Hello everyone! Ive got a Dell XPS410 running Kalyway 10.5.2 Vanilla Kernel and i would like to know what updates i could do on software update? I havent updated anything because everything is working fine! But I am getting a little curious. Here is the list of updates available...




Also, i just finished obtaining a copy of Kalyway 10.5.2, could i just pop the disk in and update? Or would i have to format the HDD and start fresh?


Thanks for the help! Really appreciate it :(

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I question why you want to update anything if it's working fine, but it's your choice :(


What versions of iDVD and iMovie do you have? If you have the ones from iLife 2006 then you might want to google around for what people think about the latest versions from 2008. They removed some of the functionality and most people prefer the iLife 2006 ones.

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i've upgraded my flat-image version with KalywayIntelCombo10.5.2.zip and kalyway_10.5.2_kernels.mpkg.zip.


KalywayIntelCombo has any risky files removed.


from ReadMe txt

important kexts are not replace !


your current kernel and system.kext are not replace !!!!


safe update! :D




haven't test on 10.5.0 !


work fine on 10.5.1 !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello , so which update did you choose from the apple software update progam ?

did you keep the mac os x update ?

I currently run toh rc 2 ( Mac OS X 10.5 (9A581) , Darwin 9.0.0 ) , works well except quartz for the graphic card ... and would like to update mostly for the security vulnerabilities ...

Any idea to update to 10.5.2 from this toh ? ( the kalyway update combo has not been tested from 10.5.0 )


oops , my hardware : asus P4P800SE , P4@3gHz , 512mo ram , if it can help

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