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Unable to install


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I'm just curious as to whether I should even bother wasting my time to troubleshoot. If someone could look over the motherboard specs and or provide me with information on this hardward setup that would be fantastic. I'm finding it very difficult to search these forums, either my search-fu is horrible (I'm able to find what I need searching any other forums), or the search function here isn't working properly. Half the time it tells me there are no results.


Regardless, I don't really want to waste my time trying to get this up and running if it's not even going to be possible. As a side note, I'm using Leo4Allv2. Everytime I boot with the DVD I get different issues.


Foxconn 671M02: Link to motherboard specifications.

Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 @2.20GHz

2gigs of DDR2 RAM

nVidia 8600GT 256MB Video Card

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