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Kalyway 10.5.2 Kernels


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I just updated 10.5.1 to 10.5.2 using the Kalyway combo updater. Only thing is, the booting was kind of weird. It rebooted once, and then the second time it just seemed to hang there for a bit until my desktop finally came up. Kalyway posted 10.5.2 kernels to help with this (I think) but I'm confused as to which one to install, vanilla or patched.


When I first installed Kalyway, I typed in vanilla at the prompt before the install, so I think I'm running a vanilla kernel. But in the 10.5.2 kernels, it says I should have an intel mobo and a core family cpu. I do have a core family cpu (E6750), but my mobo is a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3P Rev 2.0. Does that count as intel?


Which one of these should I update to?

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Intel chipset based motherboard is required (not intel motherboard). If vanilla worked for you earlier, then you have intel chipset based motherboard and you can keep using vanilla kernel

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