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Leo4All v2 and my SATA hdds


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So I just managed to get my hands on the Leo4All image, and surprisingly enough this one boots up on my laptop

Hp dv9000

amd turion 64x2

2gb ram

nvidia mcp67m

broadcom wireless

2 x120gb sata hdds

this is the first image that has actually booted up to the installer for me, so yes I was quite excited, however a problem arises when I go to install, none of my drives show up!

I have partitioned and left 25gb unallocated space for the installer to pick up on, but it doesnt show any of my drives!

So i tried the disk utility to see if it detected them, and it failed to as well.

Just wondering what the next step is to get my drives detected so I am able to install?

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So I just managed to get my hands on the Leo4All image, and surprisingly enough this one boots up on my laptop

Hp dv9000

amd turion 64x2

2gb ram

nvidia mcp67m

broadcom wireless

2 x120gb sata hdds

this is the first image that has actually booted up to the installer for me, so yes I was quite excited, however a problem arises when I go to install, none of my drives show up!

I have partitioned and left 25gb unallocated space for the installer to pick up on, but it doesnt show any of my drives!

So i tried the disk utility to see if it detected them, and it failed to as well.

Just wondering what the next step is to get my drives detected so I am able to install?

Whats the device ID for that Nforce chipset? IDE and SATA.

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"did you guys use the disk util from the dvd?

if not go to the top of the screen go to util select disk utilities there you can make a mac partion"


Yes It doesn't show up in the disk util.



"Whats the device ID for that Nforce chipset? IDE and SATA."


0x053110de is the device ID

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ok i get the same problem but there is a way round it take your harddrive out and put it in a harddrive external case then plug it in and install Or put it in a friends pc then install through there pc then put it back in your pc

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ok i get the same problem but there is a way round it take your harddrive out and put it in a harddrive external case then plug it in and install Or put it in a friends pc then install through there pc then put it back in your pc


...thanks for the suggestion but have no guts to do that on my 6 week old laptop...

...hope someone can figure this out.

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ok i get the same problem but there is a way round it take your harddrive out and put it in a harddrive external case then plug it in and install Or put it in a friends pc then install through there pc then put it back in your pc


I have exactly the same problem and I was considering doing something like this as I do have a 2.5" external casing. Would this actually work? I fear that I would just get a Chain0 boot error or OSX86 not actually recognising the drive it's installed on?


Wouldn't that work the same as installing OSX86 on an external hard drive and then ghosting it onto the internal drive?

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