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Yo i got a .pkg that allows my Sata harddirve to appear in disk utility i was wondering how would i inject this .pkg onto a install disk like leo4all so that my harddrive appears when i go to install in disk utility. i have installed this on a iAKTOS r3 external harddrive 80gb and my harddrive appears in disk utility on when i went into the app on it.

Any help would be great:)












you have to modify the osinstall.mpkg file. the way the package is compressed is very different from the one in tiger so you need to use some xar decompressor. check this http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?sto...071026083746346 this will tell you how to modify it to run on the g5 but that is not what you are interested. it will teach you how to decompress the mpkg file.


and stop bumping. like what BigPimpin said Enough already with the bumps. If nobody knows then nobody knows.

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