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I'm new just bought an iMac..I have the bundled software which come with this magic box. Included is iLife, I read and think my understanding is that, iWeb is included? I have done 1 reinstall and used the disks supplied but no iWeb...I have iphoto, iMovie,iDVD,Garage Band...but no iWeb



looked in applications

any ideas?




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I'm new just bought an iMac..I have the bundled software which come with this magic box. Included is iLife, I read and think my understanding is that, iWeb is included? I have done 1 reinstall and used the disks supplied but no iWeb...I have iphoto, iMovie,iDVD,Garage Band...but no iWeb

looked in applications

any ideas?





is this a new imac or used? does it specify which version of ilife? if its somewhat new just call apple and say you have an older version of ilife or missing iweb and i'm sure they'll send you a new DVD.

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