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I am sorry if this one has been asked before... I couldnt find anyware.


I have a Leopard 10.5.2 working flawlesly for a couple of weeks now. I have 2 HDs one with Leo and one with XP. The thing is: I just realized that I dont need a separate partition for XP if I use Paralells or VMware. I did a test and is perfect for my needs.


2 questions:


1. Is it possible to convert my MBR partition to GUID? Without loosing data of course.

2. Can I install EFI without the GUID partition, before my leopard is installed?


thanks in advance



  • 7 months later...
  • 7 months later...

I believe this can be done, provided there is some room after the MBR sector. E.g, I have a Asus Eee PC here whose first partition starts at block 63, with unused space from block 1 to 62. This should be enough to add an EFI GPT.


I'll try to work this out now (I ran into this post because I was looking if someone has already provided a solution).


Once I know more, I shall report back here. If there's no reply here in 2 days, send me a msg as a reminder.


Update 2:


Uh, I thought it works but there's still something wrong with it. Teaches me to shout hurray before crossing the final line.


I'll document it all on this page: http://www.tempel.org/Hackintosh/InstallOnMBR

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