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Hello i have recently been trying to install tiger on my dell with close to success. on the jas 10.4.8 I do the install with disk utility and then reboot. it goes to the screen with the apple and spins for a while then it tells me i must reboot. I know there is a patch for this if someone could give me the name and the link that would be awesome.


Thank you,


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is your video card a nvidia one? if so, you have to delete or put aside the geforce, nvda kext. I had the same screen. As I installed a 10.4.6 JaS, I used it to delete the kexts and was able to boot into 10.4.8. Strangely in the 10.4.6, there´s no such problem and I even installed macvidia driver!! I upgraded to 10.4.9 and had to delete again the kexts installed by the update.

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