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Thanks for the Radeon Driver


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I just wanted to thank you for the Radeon 3850 driver. I just downloaded it and on reboot my system was working at full 1920x1200. iMovie refuses to run, though (unexpectedly quit error). iPhoto, iDVD, iWeb, etc., seem to work fine. Any ideas? Where can I check to see if QE/CI are working properly?


My Kalyway 10.5.1 install went well, but I'm still having trouble getting FireWire and LAN working. I wish I could find a pkg that worked as easily as this Radeon driver for those on my system. One step at a time, though.



My system:


Asus P5B Plus Motherboard

Intel E4300 Core2Duo OCed to 3 GHZ

2 GB Corsair XMS DDR2 RAM

ATI Radeon 3850 256 MB

250 GB SATA Maxtor Hard Drive for Mac OS

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