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First of all, please if this is not the correct place to post my question, just tell me. (this is my first post :unsure:).


I've been reading a lot of posts in this forum and in others too.


I just want to ask all the people who successfully installed Leopard in the XPS 1530 the description of the procedure, i do not want the entire description, just three things:

  • the distribution (Kalyway, Iatkos),
  • the packages that where modified (I do not remember how the packages or drivers where called, kext?)
  • modifications to the bios

I read this post: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...aded&start=, but i couldn't use it to make the installation.


I'll appreciate a lot any answer.

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You better ask this on that thread, so other M1530 users could see your message.


There are guides for installing iATKOS and Kalyway in the Tutorials forum.


Thanks a lot for your answer mac girl, I think that i'm going to post the same message in that thread :P


One question, both distribution (iatoks and kaliway) implements the same functionality? which are the difference between this 2 distributions?


thanks a lot, as you see I'm a total newbie.

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