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Weird replacing folder function in Leopard


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Suppose your Leopard lies in /volumes/leopard, and the second partition of your hard drive is backup.


Open terminal, type the following instructions:

cd /volumes/leopard

mkdir first

touch a

touch b

touch c


Note that now you have a folder named first in your leopard partition, containing 3 files: a,b,c


switch back to terminal, continue typing:

cd /volumes/backup

mkdir first

touch a


Note that now you have a folder named first (yes, its name is first) in your backup partition, but it only contains 1 file: a


Now open two finder windows, one shows the leopard partition, the other shows the backup partition. Drag first folder from backup to leopard, when prompted, click replace.


Guess you'll see what! a folder named first lies in the leopard partition, containing only 1 file: a


Shouldn't it only replace the file that has the same name!? I mean, the folder first which lies in leopard partition, should have 3 files: a(the same as the one in backup partition),b,c(stays the same rather than disappeared).


Need some help on how to replacing folders in Leopard. Thank you!

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