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Hi Everybody


I'M new on OSX86 and I have a problem right now i've read a lot of post about this kind of problem and no one helped me ...


I've bought a new monitor an Acer 1916Wab and I pulged it to my hackintosh but the resolution setted was 1024x768 so its normal that it stays at this resoution (i mean i've not touched anything at this point) and then i go in my system preference, monitor and it says that it don't recongnise my monitor but my old one was recongnized and big old Dell {censored}. So i tired SwitchResX but it never worked ... my native resolution for the screen is 1440x900 and I have Leopard 10.5.2 kalyway


Thanks if you help me out



I found something interesting. Editing my com.apple.boot.plist with ''Graphic Mode''=''1440x900x32'' but this doesnt work too it stays in 1024X768 and i think i've not putted it at the right place so this is a paster of my .plist


<plist version="1.0">




<key>Kernel Flags</key>


<key>"Graphics Mode"</key>







if it can help somebody to help me out



So I've fixed it by the lazy way i was tired of trying every little thing so i've reinstalled my OSX86 and you know what.. it works and my screen is recongnized as ACER AL1916W so... and don't know if theres like a driver detection on the installation disk but now it works and im on OSX right now. Thanks anyway guys

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