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Under 10.5.2 on a P5W DH Deluxe board, if I have hard drives shut down when possible and there is a disc in the 7170S, it won't eject. In fact the drive freezes and the system becomes unstable until I reboot.


What is going on here? How can I fix this. It doesn't matter if it's on the ICH7R or Micron Controller. It doesn't matter if it is ACHI or IDE... always does the same thing if drives are allowed to sleep...



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Awww come on 5 views? Cant someone help ;\ Search turned up nothing except some drives have issues... It however did not suggest a drive or say if this drive is an issue for OSX!

Wow...and you complain about noobs junking up the forums ;)


Well, I have the same issue and while I haven't found a fix, its not bothering me too much at the time. I have the Pioneer DVR-212D SATA DVD-RW drive, does almost the same thing. If I stick a disc in (particularly HFS+ formatted OS X DVDs, not sure about other media) and reboot, I can't get it out until I'm in the OS. It doesn't bother me though, I can just select the HD as the boot device and its all fine. It didn't happen on my other machines though, so I have no clue.


P.S. I'm not in AHCI mode

Wow...and you complain about noobs junking up the forums ;)


Well, I have the same issue and while I haven't found a fix, its not bothering me too much at the time. I have the Pioneer DVR-212D SATA DVD-RW drive, does almost the same thing. If I stick a disc in (particularly HFS+ formatted OS X DVDs, not sure about other media) and reboot, I can't get it out until I'm in the OS. It doesn't bother me though, I can just select the HD as the boot device and its all fine. It didn't happen on my other machines though, so I have no clue.


P.S. I'm not in AHCI mode


Do you know of, or have heard of, any 100% working DVD writer?


Also I should point out, the question as asked, was not asked before. Nor did I post in multiple forums and I did not bump multiple times in a day. I bumped every few days and it took a month for a response :( So I did not accomplish junking *tosses a mc donalds wrapped on the ground*

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