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Well as my signature says i have installed an iAtkos v1.0i intel version of Leopard. The installation and i mean

all the process took about half an hour and went smooth from the first time.

My current installation is working fine so far but i'm having some issues described next:


First i have an intel wireless card (3495abg i guess) that every topic says no drivers for it yet (hope to get one soon). The card reader from o2micro isn´t working at all i think its not even detected as for firewire complains

about not having a driver installed (its o2micro as well).


Another strange thing is that the bus speed of the ram banks is not detected at all it shows 0, that's why i think

i might not be working as it should. Also i'm experiencing some graphics issues or artifacts like a grey square

in the top left part of the screen near the lil apple, it shows up whenever i'm running some apps like photoshop

or other image editing software aside of the square the other thing is a strange behavior of the mouse pointer,

some times i click to change the name of a file and it keeps the text pointer after the action was completed.

I don´t really know if all of this have a solution but i can say after reading this forum for some time it helped

me to solve the network problem and sound problem but the rest mentioned above remains and i'm still looking for a solution.


As a personal thought i now understand why people buy apple computers and they get so exited abut their

macs. After trying Tiger 10.4.9 i was really happy working with it and now with Leopard 10.5.1 i feel amazed

about what i can do.

Changing subjects, i really hope you can help me with the issues i mentioned above, as for my laptop description it is all in my signature.

Many thanks!

  • 8 months later...

mouse artifacts cannot be "disabled" if you use the full res on your screen


only when using stock kexts with qe/ci and 1024x768 you'll get rid of the artifacts, depends what's more important to you



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