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I am running a brand new Sager NP9262 laptop with


4GB 800 Ram

512mb m8800GTX


with Kalyway 10.5.1 I havent been able to boot into Kalyway in -V or just plain boot. However I can manage to boot into -V -X without a problem. In which case I tried using the NVinject for the 8800 series, which granted some sucess in safemode in the respect that It is recognizing it as a

771mb with

device id 0x60C

running nvinject 2.1


this is all in safe mode. when i boot -v it gets this kernal panic



Any advice or suggestions as to get it running not in safe mode. Because the 8800 GTX is the M edition it most likley has different device id's is there one that anyone knows specific to the M8800GTX?


Thanks for the help


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