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File Operations Error: ... could not be copied because the file already exists

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I do a lot of audio recording, and I usually use Vegas 6/7/8 to do it. Thus, I have a lot of folders that contain files like "Piano Recording 1.mp3", "Piano Recording 2.mp3", etc. When I try to move one of these folders from one place to another in Leopard, I am faced with an error:


Unable to copy the file "filename" because the file already exists.


And it definitely does not. I'm assuming this has something to do with the number of files that have semi-generic names, and leopard is getting confused. But it's not like any of the files are actually named the same thing, or that there are duplicates of files hanging around.


Has anyone ever encountered this before, or knows what it's called so I can search for it? Should I look in a particular log?


EDIT: I forgot to mention that I don't know how to dump a file listing to a text file. If someone could tell me, I'll put the list here for examination.

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