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So I tried to update to 10.5.2 last night on my modified Kalyway install. I replaced the mach_kernel with another kernel that allowed speedsteping, which I backed up along with my whole extensions folder.


Followed the 10.5.2 update guide from natkos precisely and after installing the update and replacing 3 extensions (AppleHDA, AppleACPI, AppleSMBios) and renaming the old kernel to old_kernel, I rebooted, let it run, and it rebooted itself and seemed to be booting fine until it gave 4 errors on 4 kexts that it could not load (the 3 I replaced and 1 other one). Then it followed with a kernel panic. I proceeded to try to boot into single user mode to fix permissions of the kexts and delete NVInject.kext and Extensions.mkext, but for some reason I could not delete extensions.mkext because it said "This file is read-only blah blah". First question, how do I get around that, it gives the same error in single user mode AND in terminal on the install DVD? The command I use is: rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext. I tried to sudo in, but it just went to #bash something without prompting for password. (and sudo isnt a valid command on the install DVD terminal)


After fixing the permissions, I rebooted and this time I got a kernel panic right away after the apple loading screen. I went into windows and installed Macdrive, and manually deleted extensions.kext from there. I rebooted again and pressed F8 and typed in "old_kernel" to boot the old kernel I had in 10.5.1. It booted just fine (without graphics acceleration since I deleted NVInject.kext and extensions.mkext).


I then tried to install the new NVInject drivers version .33 with 128 megs and rebooted, and got another kernel panic while on the apple logo loading screen. I went back into windows and deleted nvinject.kext and extensions.mkext again and OSX loaded up again just fine. I tried to install the drivers again and, again, it kernel paniced at the loading screen. I tried to go back into windows to delete the extensions again, but macdrive is acting up and I cannot get into the OSX drive anymore... It says that there is something wrong with the drive structure etc etc


So my main question is how do you delete extensions.mkext from single user mode or the terminal from the Install DVD. I keep getting that it is a read-only file and cannot be deleted! My second question is, how do you get the new nvidia kexts 0.33 to work!?


Also, anyone know why macdrive isnt working anymore?, it just shows the drive, but I cannot access it anymore?


Also, so the speedstep and battery meter no longer works in 10.5.2, correct? I followed the guides for 10.5.1 to get the battery metter and speedstep to work and it still does not show up. Computer and specs are in sig


Please help! :)


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bump, I just really want to know how to delete a file in single user mode or off the install dvd's terminal...


Here is what ive tried, and the output:

:library root# sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
rm: Extensions.mkext: Read-only file system

sudo -s
sh-3.2# rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
rm: Extensions.mkext: Read-only file system


Then I tried to use the "login" command and I cannot login using my default login name and pass from osx, is there a secret login for admin?

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