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I have a 100GB IDE drive which is separated into three primary partitions; 2 x ntfs and 1 x FAT32.

These partitions have been checked by multiple applications including Disk Utility and report no errors.


In Kalyway Leopard Installer, I go to Disk Utility, click on the FAT32 partition and select Erase. For the format I choose Mac OS Extended (Journalled). The utility starts the format process by saying 'Mounting Volume'; the progress bar rolls along for about 30 seconds. Then.. nothing. I'm back at the list of partitions and the FAT32 partition is still FAT32. It's like the Disk Utility is failing (silently) to mount the drive and just gives up.


Has anyone seen this? Is there another way to format the partition (without an OSX installation?)

  • 3 weeks later...

I solved the problem by wiping the entire HD in DiskUtility and formatting the entire thing in HFS+ (extended), then, I was able to use DiskUtil again to successfully create new partitions for the install.

that's very strange.


try deleting the partition from windows and see if leopard is at least able to create one.


you might also be able to do this from the terminal... I think the command would be:

mkfs -t hfs+ /dev/disk0s3

(assuming the drive is the only (or first) drive in your computer, and the fat32 partition is the last of the three)


otherwise, some partitioning programs can create and format hfs+ partitions... I believe partitionmagic can, I think gparted can... I think some mac filesystem programs for windows can too, I'm pretty sure macdrive can.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm bumping this because I have exactly the same problem.

I dont know how to create a valid HFS partition for OS X without deleting everything.

It seems that Disk Utility doesnt really delete the previously created partition I did for OS X, or better said, it doesnt format it as HFS.

After erasing it, the disk displays wrong volume contents, like the partitions were read out of order.

  • 4 months later...

SAME problem here. I already tried to format the partitions as HFS+ using GParted. Still, Kalyway`s OSX setup will detect the partition as FAT32, and after I try to format it as Mac OS Extended (Journaled), it will detect the artition as FAT (MS DOS).

Also won`t mount the partition.

Also cannot format the whole hard disk ^_^


Athlon 64 X2 4200+


Asus M2N MX SE Plus

Samsung HD IDE 160GB with?

1. NTFS (XP) about 25GB

2. NTFS (DATA) about 105GB

3. Already tried unformatted, unallocated, FAT32, HFS+ and NTFS. This is the OSX partition. About 20GB.


I will try that terminal cmd. I`ll report later.

Reporting back:


First, I tried the command line suggested at a previous post:

mkfs -t hfs+ /dev/disk0s3


Yes, my troubled partition (the one not mounting) is disk0s3. No, it didn`t work. The terminal replied a simple "mkfs: command not found".


Then I tried making disk0s3 a NTFS, cause I saw that after I quit disk utility (after messing around with disk0s3), the NTFS partitions were now OK to install OSX. Great, but... I couldn`t do it, cause I`d lose all the data in those partitions (where my XP and data are storaged).


Disk utility mounted the NTFS disk0s3 ok, BUT NOW none of the NTFS were available for install. I tried entering and exiting the disk utility, but it didn`t work. When I tried to format the disk0s3 again, the NTFS were OK to install AGAIN.


(Worth saying that "mount" on the terminal listed the mounted partitions, including disk0s3, which was ntfs,local,read-only,noowners. READ-ONLY ;) )


Later I realised the cmd line were trying to make a file system, which was not what I wanted in first place. We are trying to mount the partition. So, I tried the mount command. The error replied after "mount /dev/disk0s3" was "mount: /dev/disk0s3: unknown special file or file system". Weird. Since the volume was now FAT32 (cause I tried to format it using disk utility. Later, this status was confirmed by GParted).


INFO on the disk utility showed that the partition (disk0s3) is:

-owners enabled: no

-can turn off owners: no

-can be formatted: no

-bootable: no

-supports journaling: no (sort of obvious, since it`s FAT32 after "erasing" it with disk utility)


No idea why it happens, but disk utility refuses to format the partition as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". And it just won`t mount it if it`s not NTFS. And if it`s NTFS, it just won`t be ok to install. The weird thing is: WHY it say my other 2 partitions are ok to install (even if they`re NTFS) after I try to format disk0s3 and it turns to FAT32???


I`ve read something on Partition Magic about the partition not being able to be bootable after 1024 cilinder or something like that. But I used to boot Ubuntu Linux at the partition I formatted to install OSX.


Anyway... Why it cannot be formatted??? And why it says it`s FAT when Gparted says it`s HFS+?


Running out of options here. iDeneb won`t mount the NTFS`s either.


My previous post was a little bit confusing, I guess...


Making it simpler:

I guess the problem is not that disk utility cannot mount the partition, but it just cannot be formatted. And I think it fails to mount it cause it turns the partition into a FAT32 instead of HFS+ (which is the same as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" (Just my guess, anyway lol)).

  • 3 weeks later...

how do i get leapord osx not to over write mbr?????


i currently got


20gb xp pro

5gb open suse

20gb reserved for osx

rest data partition

using grub as boot loader


how do i install kalyway without it over writing my grub boot loader ?!?!?!

i am confused , unless after installing osx i got to boot into win98 start up disk and use fdisk to set xp as my acgtive parition again ? then use chain file loader to add option for osx . but then how would i get linux back ?!?!


i attempted to install leapord but then it lets me format partion as hsf xtnd but then it says done but then it shows it as a dos formated partition and unable to mount it - so i didnt know so i proceeded as normal but when asked to select partition to install osx to it wont show the third partition other then the xp partition so i cannot instal xp


is it because i have too mayn partitions or its not using guid to format the partition as per google reaearch ? if so , whats guid partition

Has anyone found a solution to this yet? I'm having the same exact problem on a Dell XPS 410 with a 250GB SATA drive. Terminal says the partition can't be mounted "with that name" after I try to reformat it with HFS+; it'll only mount FAT32 and NTFS, although the install stops pretty quickly with those two. Kalyway is my only real option right now, since iATKOS couldn't mount any of my partitions!

I have a 100GB IDE drive which is separated into three primary partitions; 2 x ntfs and 1 x FAT32.

These partitions have been checked by multiple applications including Disk Utility and report no errors.


In Kalyway Leopard Installer, I go to Disk Utility, click on the FAT32 partition and select Erase. For the format I choose Mac OS Extended (Journalled). The utility starts the format process by saying 'Mounting Volume'; the progress bar rolls along for about 30 seconds. Then.. nothing. I'm back at the list of partitions and the FAT32 partition is still FAT32. It's like the Disk Utility is failing (silently) to mount the drive and just gives up.


Has anyone seen this? Is there another way to format the partition (without an OSX installation?)


I have been dealing with this same problem FOUND A FIX. booted back into my XP opened acronis and made my second partion a logical from primary....worked now my drive is mounted. Hope this helps.

  • 1 month later...

I had the same issue: tried to have partitions created with gparted (linux) formatted as hfs+ by disk utility but it did not work.

It worked only if I selected NTFS and fAT32 as format which was not my objective.

Also, when I used gparted to format directly in hfs+ the partition was unreadable under mac os.


I solved the issue simply by setting the partition bootable in gparted.

With this setting, disk utility works like a charm.

  • 1 month later...



I was installing dual boot system (existing XP + iPC 10.5.6) and faced the same issue. Solved it by marking the partition, intended for OSX as Activein Disk management tools on XP (Computer > Manage... > Disk Management).

  • 4 months later...



I had to delete some logical partitions that were physicaly after the dedicated primary osx86 partition, (Yes, I did have it formatted as primary, fat32, with the boot flag on using gparted)


Those logical partitions were physically after the primary osx86 one, and Gparted still named them /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda5, and osx86 as /dev/sda6 (which, if you noticed, is after them in it's naming scheme). I found that odd, so I just deleted them, re-made them, and made everyone a happy little primary partition, (there were only 4 total).


Also, I patched the bios for my customized hp dv6500t laptop with the f.58a patch that's floating around here somewhere. I did these both in tandem, before another attempt at an installation; I think the bios patch may be unnecessary for getting past this disk utility problem.




This was using a Kalyway 10.5.2 cd, hp dv6500t laptop, 230gb sata hard drive, disk utility saw them all as sata, installed no problem when it did, my bios had default settings after the patch.

  • 5 months later...
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