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Hi i cant get any games to run on my dell inspiron 1520. So far i've tried Legos Star Wars (full game) and harry potter and the sorcerers stone (again full game) My graphics card is a Intel Chipset 965 and i have the minimum requirements for the games so goes anyone know how i can solve this?


Lego star wars says closed due to a unexpected error and harry potter starts then the screen just goes completely balck and i have to reboot manually. If anyone needs anymore infomation if you could tell me what and how to get it, it would be great.

Thanks Jay


P.s whats this QE that everyoone talks about?

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Okay will do thanks


EDIT: Well it says http://support.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-028223.htm that that is a graphics chipset.


And all i can seem to find out is that Quartz Extreme is enabled so why wont my games play? Can someone please help me i have had mac for only 2 days now i don't have a clue what to do.


Thanks again Jay

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