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I need to change my sys specs as my systems new but Kalyway went on like a champ! Simple install, all on separate HD (WD 250gig, 2 parts, OSx on 1st part @75 gigs, 2nd part unused.) Did all partitioning w/ Kalyway in Disk Util, MBR scheme. ACHI on, all 3 SATA drives seen ( a 250gig- OSX, a Seagate 320gig - my beats and whatnot, and WD 750gig - Vista and files, videos, etc.) I also have a LG IDE DVD drive(GSA-H55L) NO PROBLEMS whatsoever. LAN works out of box, sound seems found, but I'm using outboard audio anyways (Saffire LE). No "About this Mac" issues and installed all avail updates, rebooted perfectly. I have not messed with Leopard too much, but Im stuck @ 1024x768 res for now, I need a lil help with that. Also, I need to dual boot, should i use BCDedit in Vista, or use OSX' boot loader?


I only wanted OSX for Logic and Final Cut Studios, but when i try to install, both say I have 0 megs VRAM, and wont go no further. A quick check in Profiler says I have 64MB VRAM. Anyone got that issue? Maybe I need an intel video kext/driver?


It's awesome. I'll be gettin back to y'all, I just need to {censored} some. Oh yeah.....


EDIT: specs changed, whats written is what is...

I don't have the X3000 running,....

7300gs for now, efi kalyway , sleep, wake, shutdown takes a while ,

disks ahci,... so need to swithc in bios before win xp boot,

asus dvd lightscribe, gets stuck , if application stops access, maybe disksleep issue,...

sound, don't know, have usb stick, currently no OC, but does 3ghz easy, but more random hickups,.....

currently running reduced fans,... aka PSU, and 7300gs only,... just removed the side panels, main drive in disk silencer, all others on disksleep mode,...

just, the finder thing delay,.... starts up every !@#!@ disk, regards less, of drive you access,... maybe there is a feature to turn off,...

airport extreme does not jumbo frames on gigabit,.....

would like to get the building graphics running,....

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