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Heya everybody


I've just installed Leo using the iATKOS 1.0iR2 release and everything worked quite fine. Had to activate the partition afterwards but that's okay.

Anyway my question goes to you all regarding whatever it's a known issue that hardware stops being found ( not just working ) after ie. a reboot.

After I installed Leo, the sound were working excellent but after a reboot the entire sound "device" were missing. After a bit of trying, I discovered that if I booted the machine, from a total shutdown, with the -f parameter at the bootloader ( force updating of kext cache ), the system would once again have sound - every reboot after that, with and without the parameter would result in the same issue with no device being found.


Is there a report about this ? Maybe a workaround, fix or any kind of solution ?



CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo at 1.8 Ghz

RAM: 2 GB DDR2 Ram

GFX: 128MB ATI Radeon X1400 - Not working but ATIRadeonX1000.kext can be modified to use this and thereby have QE working - and apple.com.Boot.plist sets a 1400x1450x32 solutions just fine. Mouse tearing however, but workaround with MouseLocator takes care of this for now.

Audio Out: Soundcard is listed as "HD Audio Out" and System Profiler says: "Intel High Definition Audio". Device ID is: "0x17AA2010". See problems above, otherwise working.

Audio In: Not working at all.

BT: Broadcom Bluetooth which seems to work OOB.

WiFi: Intel WiFi which is working OOB.

CD/DVD: DVD Device ( HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4083N ) which works fine at least for reading - I still need to test burning with it.


On a side-note... is there any news regarding a driver for the X1400 MOBILITY ?




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