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I am trying to get Leopard installed everywhich way I can...


Now I'm trying to restore the Leopard image to my 10gb Ipod... when I start restoring it stops and disk utility says "No such file or directory".


Anybody gotten it restored onto an Ipod and can help? I'm getting desperate!! :(



Update: After formatting IPOD in DiskUtility and trying restore, it says Can't copy blah blah, resource busy :@

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thanks for the quick response tweak...


I've managed to copy the files from the DVD to the IPOD (acting as a blank HD now)


But how do I boot from the IPOD?


I have it so that my Tiger install loads up as a choice in NTLDR for windows... so at what point can I press Option (or Start??) on my keyboard to tell it to boot from the ipod?


I'm so gutted I can't get leopard to work whatever I do, seeing how well I have Tiger running (I'm writing this on it).



Well I'm assuming you have the iPod hooked up either via USB or Firewire...


In order to boot your BIOS must support the ability for you to boot from a USB or Firewire device (most likely USB...I haven't seen a motherboard that boots from firewire). So that's the first place to look. If your motherboard allows this you should be able to set the iPod as your primary boot device and hope it works...


Also, have you tried the Leopard flat image? I've only briefly come across it, but apparently that works too...

leopard flat image? ive not heard of that... what is it?



I'll go check my BIOS settings now to see if i can boot from USB/Firewire. I've read on other forums that OSX doesnt like to install from USB drives, only Firewire - but my ipod has both so I'll try both.


FIngers Crossed

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