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I just had to replace my motherboard witha an MSI P35 Platinum and was wondering if anyone had any luck installing leopard

I have tried Kalaway, iAtkos, and TOH none want to load

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


My Gigabyte GA P35 DS3R board was great till it died from a failed BIOS Update and FRYS was all out


Thanks in advance

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  • 3 weeks later...

Check http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...944&start=0.


From what I can tell, you're better off purchasing an ASUS in place of an MSI. MSI P35s don't allow IDE at all and makes you boot with one CPU and only works with Kalyway.


Good luck.

  • 1 year later...

On my msi p35 neo ms-7360 i've flashed original bios with a modded one http://osrom.net/biosmod/.

Leopard works wery well... Any distro you like with IChFix, and boot 132 (retail mode) with boot.iso by elastic. I don't have the link.... sorry.


For snow leopard is impossible at today..


Scusa per l'inglese...... ciaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



I have an MSI P35 Platinum Combo motherboard (MS-7338 v.1.1) which is not on the list at osrom.


Searching on this forum I found a link from some other web for a modded one, which I downloaded, but now I can't find the source who posted and where!


So, my question is...are there other web pages for modded BIOS beside Kabyl or I downloaded a fake one? How can I verify this modded bios that i have?...


MSI P35 Platinum Combo




2x1GB Kingston


MSI 8800GT 512


Sony Optiarc AD-5170A

Try using JaS 10.5.4 and setting your mobo to AHCI mode in BIOS to see all SATA and IDE drives. I've got a MSI P45 NEO-F and have it working perfectly.


When you load a distro, use cpus=1 flag, this can be fixed later by using a different dsdt


try my guide and see if it helps...


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