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Hi All,


I understand that OSX has to be hacked some to make it work on non Apple hardware.


I was wondering as I am having such a terrible time downloading files via Bittorrent, that if I bought the Leopard package from Apple, could I make a clean install on my machine.


Mobo - P5n32sli Deluxe se

CPU - Core 2 Duo 6400

Memory - 2GB

Video - Nvidia Gforce 6800


Anyone got any help?





I think that would not pose any problems but you will still need to download files to patch and then burn to another DVD (as I understand)

the copy of Leopard i have was a disk image of the original 10.5.0 disk so you can do it like that

You can also buy an external hd and connect it and install onto it from an Mac , then boot from your comp.
Hi there,although I have an external drive to attach I have no access to a mac to install it onto.But I am willing to spend the money on the installation disks and patch it. Wish I did have a mac. If I were not so cheap I would have one. Hoping by the end of year to have a mac miniDominic
I think that would not pose any problems but you will still need to download files to patch and then burn to another DVD (as I understand) the copy of Leopard i have was a disk image of the original 10.5.0 disk so you can do it like that
This sounds like what I need. But what are the patches and how do they need to be applied.Is there a website that details what to do with the pathes.If you can help any more please do.Thanks Dominic Coombe
Hi there,although I have an external drive to attach I have no access to a mac to install it onto.But I am willing to spend the money on the installation disks and patch it. Wish I did have a mac. If I were not so cheap I would have one. Hoping by the end of year to have a mac miniDominicThis sounds like what I need. But what are the patches and how do they need to be applied.Is there a website that details what to do with the pathes.If you can help any more please do.Thanks Dominic Coombe


For what it's worth, I have done the following - starting with a running copy of osx86:

  • Plugged in an external USB hard drive
  • Used "Disk Utility" to make an image of the retail Mac OSX Install DVD
  • Used "Disk Utility" to partition and format the drive with a GPT partition
  • Used "Disk Utility" to restore the Mac OSX Install image to the external USB drive
  • Right click on the external USB drive - select Get Info - make sure that "ignore ownership" is *NOT* checked
  • Used a terminal window and command line to patch the external USB Mac OSX Install drive
  • Used a terminal window and command line to install the pc_efi_v80 boot loader

To make things convenient during the install, I made a patch directory on the install disk and copied the scripts below and the items used in the patch into it. This patch directory should contain your patch scripts, the patch kexts and the pc_efi boot loader items.


The script I use to patch the Mac OSX Install drive is also used to patch the resulting install. The first time it is used the tgtBase value is set to "/Volumes/Mac\ OSX\ Install" to patch the install disk. Since there is no command line editor available during the install, you need to modify the tgtBase setting to point to your new osx86 install disk before you start the install.


It would be a good idea to add the -f -v kernel flags to your patch copy of com.apple.Boot.plist before patching the install image.


Plug the external USB drive into the system where you plan to install osx. Boot from the external USB drive. Install osx. When the install finishes, but before it can reboot, select Utilities --> Terminal to stop the reboot and run the patch scripts. They can run in any order. When you exit the terminal session the reboot will continue.


If you got everything right you should have a running osx86 hacintosh system. You will most likely need to adjust the list of kexts to patch based on your hardware. I had to use a patched kernel because my system is not core2duo based. Still, this should give you the general idea. It's not - any of it - my invention. This is all information gleaned from the various posts in the forum and from the irc channels an irc.osx86.hu



rm -rf "$tgtExt/dsmos.kext"
rm -rf "$tgtExt/AppleSMBIOS.kext"
rm -rf "$tgtExt/IOATAFamily.kext"
rm -rf "$tgtExt/AppleACPIPlatform.kext"
rm -rf "$tgtExt/ApplePS2Controller.kext"
rm -rf "$tgtExt/AppleUSBAudio.kext"
rm -rf "$tgtBase/mach_kernel"
rm -rf "$tgtPlist/com.apple.Boot.plist"

cp -Rf $srcExt/dsmos.kext			   "$tgtExt/dsmos.kext"
cp -Rf $srcExt/AppleSMBIOS.kext		 "$tgtExt/AppleSMBIOS.kext"
cp -Rf $srcExt/IOATAFamily.kext		 "$tgtExt/IOATAFamily.kext"
cp -Rf $srcExt/AppleACPIPlatform.kext   "$tgtExt/AppleACPIPlatform.kext"
cp -Rf $srcExt/ApplePS2Controller.kext  "$tgtExt/ApplePS2Controller.kext"
cp -Rf $srcExt/AppleUSBAudio.kext	   "$tgtExt/AppleUSBAudio.kext"
cp -f  $srcBase/mach_kernel			 "$tgtBase/mach_kernel"
cp -f  $srcBase/com.apple.Boot.plist	"$tgtPlist/com.apple.Boot.plist"

rm -rf "$tgtExt/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext"

chown -R 0:0 "$tgtExt/"
chmod -R 755 "$tgtExt/"


Since I had a running osx before I started this install method I could use a script to install the efi boot loader. If you don't have that available, you will need to do the "diskutil list" command to learn which disk and partition values to insert in the commands and then run them by hand after the install.



diskutil list
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1

# Be sure all volumes on target disk are unmounted
echo 'NOTE: be sure all volumes of target disk are unmounted'
echo '	  then press Enter to continue'
read hold

./startupfiletool /dev/rdisk1s2 ./boot_v8
dd if=./guid/boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s2 bs=512 count=1
dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/disk1 bs=400 count=1


I hope this will help someone.

It really depends on your level of comfort with trying to customize things to try and get them to work correctly. There are patches out there that you can use, but you never know how they will turn out. Leopard wasn't made to work on the large variety of hardware that osx86 users are installing it on, so there are always problems that need to be patched up. The easiest option is to download the packages(iAtkos or Kalyway) where most of the work has already been done by people who really understand the issues and you can often just do a straight install and it will work. I know you say you are having problems with the torrents(although iAtkos & Kalyway are pretty well seeded, so you might want to try and optimize your torrent settings), but I think it is worth waiting for them. The bad news is that you are never sure which one will work. Kalyway seems to be more compatible(although not for me), but it is also a much larger download.


So if you have been through all this before with Tiger and are an old hand at patching things and tweaking them to get them to work, you might want to buy a Leo disk(you probably should anyway for ethical reasons) and patch it, but if you are a novice and want to give it a look you are probably better of downloading one of the popular distros.

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