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Oh my God. For the last 24 hours I've been living in these forums, trying to find a topic related to my machine and this distro. Nothin'. If there is one, and I just missed it, let me know (and I apologize for making another topic).


Basically, I finally got the install to suceed only to discover that now it won't boot.


Things I have done:

-Made sure to use the MBR option with regards to partitioning

-The bootfix outlined here.

-Followed this guide to the letter (I know it's not the Kalyway distro, but at least it was a board close to mine).


For the install customization, I went with:








Once I get the install to suceed, I take the DVD out and try to boot. I come to a prompt that tells me to press any key for boot options. No matter what I do, it goes about one second into the boot process then reboots the computer. If I have the DVD in, it just boots to the installer.


Also of note, Terminal seizes up when I enter the second part of the above-mentioned bootfix. That's a new one, it just started doing that this morning.


My exact setup:

MSI P6N SLI Platinum

Intel C2D E6750

2GB Corsair


500GB Samsung HD (SATA, filled with Vista-y goodness, disabled for now)

nVidia GeForce 8800GTX


If there's anything else I can contribute to help, I'll be glad to... thanks in advance!



I'm in the same boat. I've got an MSI P6N SLI Platinum too and am also trying to install Kalyway 10.5.1. I followed the instructions here:




But I'm also stuck at step 11. OSX just will not boot. Even with "-v -legacy cpus=1" it shows about 3 lines of text (which go by too fast to read) and then goes back to POST. Sounds like the same thing that was happening to you.


One interesting thing though... I was able to get to the welcome screen if I boot from the DVD with the following options: "-v -legacy cpus=1 rd=disk0s1"


That gets me to the welcome screens, but I get stuck in a loop on the migration assistant screen. I choose "continue", but it just loops back to language selection.


The P6N SLI FI/Platinum boards are almost exactly the same, so we should be able to replicate the results from the other tutorial. My guess is that the Kalyway distro includes some .kexts that aren't in ToH's release and that's what's causing the problem.


Let's keep updating this thread if anyone finds out any new info. I'm DLing the ToH distro that the guy from the tutorial is using, but it's going slow and I probably won't have it for a few days.


Please come back and post if you guys find out anything new. And I'll do the same.


Thanks, -Steve

That's great news (well, a step in the right direction, anyway)! I'm at work now (will be for about the next nine hours or so), but I'm going to try that as soon as I get home and post the results. Also, I started the ToH distro late last night. I've been getting some nasty speeds lately (1.2mbps/down) off of the good ol' Comcast, so hopefully it will be done by time I get home... barring, of course, any wifely meddling in my computer's affairs...

I'm having the same problem, I get to the keyboard selection screen, then to the migration screen wait a bit then right back to the keyboard selection screen and it repeats. Interestingly, I only got this with iatkos version (I could get the Kalyway version even this far) I got another kalyway version loaded that an now I am in the same loop.

Remove the sse2 sysystem selection since you have core 2, and deselct vanilla kernel since you dont have an intel chipset, vanilla kernel will only work with intel chisets. And make sure your bios settings are correct such as ahci and disabeling the floppy drive.

Its more likely to work, nfoce boards have alot of problems with leopard, and ive never installed leopard on nforce. Just dont forget you can still use mbr efi just not vanilla kernel, and endless reboot is the symton of trying to run vanilla kernel when it isnt compatible, other issues usually give you the restart message. oh i was woundering if you tried the amd release rather than kalyway. if want an easy install just buy a p5w dh deluxe for like 150.

mcdonnr: It's true! Installing Kalyway without the vanilla kernel got my system to where it will now boot all the way into leopard with "-v -legacy cpus=1"


When you install Kalyway, uncheck ALL the boxes (including graphics drivers) except efi-mbr, and you should be good to go. You can skip the bootfix step in the tutorial since Kalyway does that for you, but make sure you do the part about moving NVDAResman.kext to the backup folder, or you'll get a kernel panic.


Good luck. That's as far as I've gotten. I saw it boot up into Leopard but then I had to leave and go to work. Networking/Graphics/dual-cores are not working yet. I'll let you know how that goes when I get a chance.



I'm fairly sure multiple cores with the nforce set does not work in the Kalyway release, but if it does, definitely let us know! I'm stuck in the bootfix stage of the ToH release, and cannot figure out what to do and it looks like Kalyway is the much easier way to go.

your all welcome lol, try to check if any new kernels can give you multi core support. Oh and a 975x board is a little faster, you'll be able to do legitimate updates and use multiple cores. just keep it in mind lol.


You cannot do legitmate updates with an nforce board and ToH RC2?

Good news, everyone!


Using what follows, I was able to install and RUN Leopard (Kalyway)! I do have some problems post-install, which I will detail.


1.) Use the BIOS settings from the guide mentioned earlier.

2.) Install using:




3.) Execute the command to move the *.kext to the backup directory.

4.) Reboot with no DVD.


That's it. I didn't even use the "-v -legacy cpus=1". AND, Leo recognizes that I have a C2D with 2 processors. I'm so very happy!


Now... the bad news:

-It does not detect the onboard audio.

-It does not detect my wireless card.

-It sees my video card, but thinks it only has 32MB of RAM (it's an 8800GTX with 768MB).

-It thinks my RAM is 667MHz, it is DDR2 1066.


Those things aside, it's running VERY smoothely. No reboots, panics... nothing.


Just thought I'd let everyone know, and if anyone has a fix for the issues I mentioned, I will love them forever.


Thanks, and good luck!

Congrats, mcdonnr! I've found basically the same thing. I just tried booting without any options, and my system came up with no problems and dual-core support working fine. Yay.


...Now onto the problems:


1. Video - There are some new nvidia kexts from OSX 10.5.2 that are supposed to have better support for the 88xx series cards. I have a 8800GT myself, so I'll be installing them. I'll let you know how that goes.


2. Network - As I understand, the onboard NIC on the P6N is not supported. This is reported to work "out of the box" with 10.5.1:




Assuming I can get my video/sound drivers going, I'll probably order one of those.


3. Audio - The onboard audio is supposed to work, but again you'll need to install some special kexts for the ALC888. I forget where I found all this stuff, once I remember, I'll post some links back here.


Keep us updated as you progress.



Hmmm... I'm stuck trying to get my 8800GT to work. I tried installing the 10.5.2 kexts using the package installer here:




That seemed like the easiest way to get it working, but I get Kernel Panic when trying to boot after installing. Any ideas?


This is after installing kalyway 10.5.1 on MSI P6N SLI Platinum with a Evga GeForce 8800GT 512MB.



GOT IT! After installing the NVKexts package. Follow the instructions in this thread about changing the deviceIDs:




But you also need to change the device IDs in Info.plist under NVinject.kext which the walkthrough doesn't mention.


That got my 8800GT working with Kalyway 10.5.1 on MSI P6N SLI Platinum. System profiler sees only 256MB of RAM on my 512MB card, but I'll worry about that later. For now, Leopard is looking a whole lot better with hardware accelerated graphics.


...onward to sound...



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