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Hi everyone, I am using Kalyway 10.5.1 on vanilla kernel, a few questions here,


-Just would like to ask whether Ricoh PCMCIA slots work?


-Sigmatel 9200 is working all right for me except that headphones are muted after sleep (although it is not when I unplug the headphone). This problem is strange and so far I cannot find it anywhere else on the net. Is there a fix for this?


-Are SpeedStep and Power Management (batteries etc.) available on Kalyway?

Can I use the installation packages from Uphuck 10.4.9?


Thanks a lot.

SpeedStep support is spotty and somewhat unstable but if you want to try it out, you'll have to get the netkas compiled kernel and the ACPICPUThrottle installer. I often have to load the .kext manually on my notebook as it will randomly fail to load about half the time when my notebook boots up. Additionally, if you have a power state below 1 GHz, the ACPICPUThrottle .kext will not use it due to an error in the reporting system.


The battery life on my notebook is much improved, however, so it's worth using.



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