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hey i am new here and i and trying to install uphuck on my acer desktop i am having problems when i run the install i get a gra apple screan with the no symble (the round circle with the line in the no smoking signes) its just above the apple i really need help i am using a pentom d and two gigs of ram and a detaled tute with pics would also be great oh and sorry for the pore spelling and i am tring to put this on a hard drive that has xp on it i want to just format it i do not ave any partisohns or ay thing thaks again

Can you boot into verbose mode and note down what it says on the last few lines and put

that in here for us to have a look at?

Verbose mode can be accessed by pressing F8 at the Darwin Bootloader and then typing "-v"

without the quotes of course!

here are the last few lines i can get this to bot inanouther computer but thats it any help or fourms would be great

extension "com.apple.idkit.ious8massstorageclass" has no kernel dependancy.

applegner icpcatadrlver: cmd 8x1f8 ctr 8x3f4 irq 14

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