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Hi everyone! I guess the title is quite self explanatory and after a flawless installation of kalyway 10.5.1 on my lap im having a small prob with my network. Ive always used the network tulip method described on osx86 wiki and it seemed to work for my laptop just fine until i got kalyway on my pc and now i have internet but i can't see my network shares!! They only show up randomly sometimes after reeboting. Is there any solution to this? Anyone having the same laptop or network card could share his thoughts with me? Thanks :)

Hi everyone! I guess the title is quite self explanatory and after a flawless installation of kalyway 10.5.1 on my lap im having a small prob with my network. Ive always used the network tulip method described on osx86 wiki and it seemed to work for my laptop just fine until i got kalyway on my pc and now i have internet but i can't see my network shares!! They only show up randomly sometimes after reeboting. Is there any solution to this? Anyone having the same laptop or network card could share his thoughts with me? Thanks :)
ive just used the iAtkos DVD just to install the intel pro ethernet driver but no results. I have internet but still cant see my shares.. The funny thing is that i cannot used the iatkos release cause from some reason it doesnt boot if i dont have the dvd into the drive. So far the only working release is kalyway but its ridiculous having a network and cannot see my shares.. If someone knows any workarounds for this i would greatly appreciate some help.. Cheers!
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