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I installed a 10.5.2 display driver for my 8800gt 512mb (g92 core) and got a black screen.

Then I re-install leopard again with kalyway dvd.


However, installation process didn't install the drawin bootloader on the osx harddisk (dedicated and not sharing with windows). To bootup the leopard, Ive to put the kalway dvd on dvd drive, the drawin bootloader will boot the leopard hdd automatically.


What's the problem ? or how do I add back the drawin bootloader on the hdd

The hdd is formatted in mbr


asus p5k-e wifi-ap

xfx 8800gt 512mb

wd 160GB sata2

LG sata dvd-rw

You might try manually installing PC EFI for MBR to get your install working. Either that, or try reinstalling Kaly's DVD and make sure you check MBR PC EFI when you're customizing your install.


You might also check the boot flags with gparted if you're not using PC EFI...

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