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I'm a n00b to mac. Sorry if this has been asked before.


I am contemplating a switch from Windoze. When (not if) I take the plunge, I'm planning on buying a Macbook black 2.2 Ghz with the basic configuration and then upgrading the RAM and HDD using 3rd party components.


My questions is, has anyone encountered any issues or problems upgrading using other than apple hardwares?


Another query. I live in Bangkok, Thailand. The base configuration here costs 25% more than the price listed on apple.com. So, if I purchase it from USA or HK, will I have problem with warranty issues in Thailand or India? I'll be frequently shuttling between these two countries.



Thank you.

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no idea about the warranties, but i have a stick of third party ram(1gig), a third party hard drive (250gigs, my stock hd died on me this summer) and two third party fans (left fan had faulty motor, right fan wouldnt spin at all) in my core duo macbook pro. no issues whatsoever with anything third party. hell, ive had more problems with apple hardware than with third party hardware :/


(yeah, i had one of the first macbook pros, fan problems and whine happened to me.)

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