canteli Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 Hi everyone, I'm writing as a final resort, as I've been reading a good number of posts now and yet haven't found the solution to my problem. So this is what specs first: Dell Xps M1330 Core 2 DUO 2.2ghz 2gb RAM Nvidia 8400 GS M 128MB Dell 1505 802.11n (i guess the chipset is broadcom, but i might be bulling here...not really relevant at this stage anyway) Thurman and UMA bluetooth 355 integrated 2.0 Mpixel Webcam Whatever sound card it mounts(the one that only works through the left headphone jack)... the reason why i'm not being so precice about the specs is that i don't really have the mind to look up for the right names right now, but most importantly because my problem has not much to do with this... So, i install iatkos, flagging only the speedstep and the EFI emulation...I saw that if i flag the Nvidia drivers, it wont reboot after install...and beside, that's unnecessary thing to do...mean i can always do it later and plug in the latest kext etc.... Oh, also, I'm installing on a fresh 200 GB, repartitioned in 3...2 partition of 35gb, first formatted hfs+, second NTFS and third unformatted....but then again, this is irrelevant as i know that until here, i'm doing everything just fine as the installation goes through in 9 minutes, reboot and i get my CrapOS right away.... It makes me set up and everything, the cam works, wifi is in VESA, but that's expect to be like that of i can do whatever i want as i have a working machine...i mean aside from the full video with CI/QE enabled and the sound working, but i know that comes later when i install the correct drivers..... The problem is that, when i reboot it gives me the apple with then the screen saying i need to restart...and that's all it goes....if i boot with -v option, it will hang where it says "localhost nDNSResponder [221]: Set DomainSecrets: nDNSKeychainGetSecrets failed error 0 CFArrayRef 00000000"....sounds like it has to do with the Network, for some reasons.... I must say that this occur after a fresh install, a successful first boot and restart....during the first boot, even if i don't mess around with drivers and stuff, if i just restart right away, i get this.... Although, if i restart with -x as a switch under darwin, it boots just fine in safe mode....clearly, while in safe mode, the wifi is disabled(my guess is for better compatibility mode, like in beloved windows), so i'm obviously induced to think that the problem lies around the wifi....still though, i can't figure out why it works flawlessly at the first boot after install, and then hangs me like this... When i say that the names of the component are irrelevant i mean that as for what concern the video and audio, i know already what the issue is...the problem here has to be with the net card/cards...but again it's nonsense that it works fine first, and then it does not...needless to say that i would be more than willing to fix it myself if only i could find a darn error log console or something...this OS claim to be so simple...and it is, until you have a problem...then, it's a mess...still love windows way better (i just wanna install it to brag it in the face of those silly who buy the macbook air, for 2000$ more, to get so much less ) Hope someone can help!! Thanks in advance, people Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
canteli Posted January 25, 2008 Author Share Posted January 25, 2008 Alright, since nobody answer, I managed to find the solution myself, with some ackward unexpected result too... As of now, everything works, and by everything, i really mean everything...the most surprising thing is the pc has a sigmatel 9228, which, as I understood while reading was supposed to work applying AppleHDAPatcher_v1.16 combined with its relative codec dump...but what any post says(including the compatibility list for portables on wiki) is that this solution would only enable audio on the left jack(this machine has 2 headphone jacks) of the my case, surprisingly, i get the audio from the internal speakers only!!if i plug in the headphones i still get sound, but the speakers don't get for my previous post-installation problem, i figured that the issue was in the selection of extras in the installation...i installed the darwin boot loader with the EFI (double YES at the terminal screen) and ticked only EFI in the additional files to be installed, in the customize speed step...and everything works just fine...though, i did lose the battery icon which i used to have previously, installing i'm gonna try to install the battery and the speedstep manually and see how it goes....i still believe though, that this OS is insane!!! If anything knows how come that the audio works from the speakers instead of the headphones, I would really be like to hear that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dax666 Posted January 25, 2008 Share Posted January 25, 2008 Thanks for the tip. I have a M1330 also and I'm having a heck of a time trying to get it to boot without being in the safe mode. Did you change anything in the bios before installing? Do I need to use "cpus=1" before booting? I will try today to just check "EFI" only in the customized screen. When I reboot do I need to type "rd=disk0s2" or will it reboot by itself. Thanks for any help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
canteli Posted January 25, 2008 Author Share Posted January 25, 2008 Dax666, As i said, you don't have to play around with any switches or Bios settings...i'll break this down, for future reference for you and those who have an M1330 1) Create one or more partitions via Gparted LiveCD, formatting at least one, preferably the first one as FAT32 and flag it as a BOOT partition, clicking the right mouse button on it and selecting "manage flags" (If you are planning to install more than just OSX, you may wanna have different partitions then, and it's convenient to have OSX in the first one just to minimize the troubles later...if you bought a pc to just have macOSX, well, it's your problem you can simply have one partition) 2)No need to mess around with the BIOS options...all the dell defaults are just fine, only thing you wanna change is the boot sequence, obviously moving the DVD drive on the top of the list(just pressing F12 and selecting CD/DVD from there, doesn't work for seems that darwin execute like 2 quick boot, and when the second one kicks in, it goes back the the dell boot up process[the dell logo] if the sequence is not set as said, with DVD on top) 3)When iATKOS installation load, fire up under the utilities menu, "disk utility". Select the drive you've just formatted under Gparted as FAT32 and "erase" it, selecting "Mac OS Journaled (extended)". Quit Disk Utility. 4)Fire up, always under the utilities menu, "Darwin BootLoader". Provide it the target and partition numbers. Target will be "1" as it's the first and only HD, and Partition will be "1" again as it's the first of the partition table. Clearly, you'll have a different target/partition number is you have a different configuration, but anyhow, before proceeding, darwin will check what you selected and return you a question to confirm that you wanna install the loader in the partition with the name you chose( it'll give something like /Volume/thenameyougaveit) Answer "YES" to the two following questions and quit terminal. 5)Back to the installation, "continue" and "agree", select the drive and "continue", then click "customize". Here you select "EFI Emulation" under additional components and "NTFS-3G" under "drivers/system" if you are planning(as i hope) to install Windows as well(this way you'll be able to read/write on windows partitions). DO NOT SELECT ANYTHING ELSE!! this is the trick...i know it's tempting to through a thick at least on Nvidia drivers or Speedstep, but just don't do it!. Close the panel and continue installation. 6) After roughtly 9 minutes, in my case, installation should be over and it should ask to restart. Try to get the DVD out before reboot...i have to get into the bios to do that, as there's not enough time to eject it before the bootstrap ends, and beside, you should change back the boot sequence anyway, so, use this opportunity to do both things. 7) Let it boot now without switches or will be muted, but it will bring you to the welcome screen and drive you through the initial setup...if you are equipped with the wirelessN card that Dell sells, than it's working right out of the box and so it will detect a connection(provided that you have wifi in your home) right from the initial setup pages...Set whatever you are asked to, and you're set... 8) Just to be sure that anything went through, before messing around with drivers and stuff, give it a restart, just to verify that it won't give you any errors(until i didn't figure the right installation settings, as i said in my previous post, i did have a working installation which looked fine until i was rebooting...after that it was not loading properly anymore and i could only log in in safe mode[-x switch in darwin]...that make me lose a lot of time as i was installing the drivers during the first boot, and therefore attributing the malfunction to the drivers freshly installed, rather then to a misconfiguration of the install restart...if it goes through, then, you'll play around with drivers and stuff) 9) So it rebooted just fine! Cool; now the fun...for what concern the video, which at this point is at 1024x768 with no option to change into any higher or lower resolution, and with no hardwware acceleration enabled(CI/QE), you go ahead and download and install the package you'll find on this page: direct link to the package: Simply double click on it, follow the installation, restart, and BOOM!! 1280x800 and full hardware acceleration! Nice I suspect that the hardware acceleration is not necessarely that accelerated...better than the stock option, but still, by any means, not at full-throttle...this are beta/experimental drivers so it's reasonable, but 10.5.2 fill incorporate official drivers as apple will start assemblying machines with Nvidia 8800, with shares the same driver subsystem of 8400 it's just temporary 10) For the audio drivers, you go here:;hl=applehda and download direct link: you also need to download a "codec dump", which is simply a txt file that enumerate the features and mapping of the is the link: our sound card is a sigmatel'll notice that there are 3 different files here...don't ask me why, but i got the all 3 and compared them and well, they are all the same...anyhow i used other options are and but then again, if it worked for me, it will work for you, so maybe it's better if you stick with my successful track record to install the audio is really simple...just drag the txt on the applehda icon and follow the instruction, it will take care of everything and ask you to restart when the process ends... One think i noticed that i must say is that, up until i didn't have the audio drivers installed, my laptop was able to shutdown/restart just fine...after installing the drivers, when i now restart/shutdown, it will perform the whole routine of shutting applications, possibly flush the virtual memory, i mean all the stuff that occur when you shutdown a pc, but then the screen goes black and you have to shutdown/restart manually...i don't know how much the audio drivers installation has to do with this, but i couldn't help not noticing that i lost the restart/shutdown functionality exactly after the drivers last successful restart was, in fact, the one ordered by the drivers installation ... anyhow, i think there can be a solution for this minor issue, which i'll investigate on and post back if i find. The nice thing is that, despite what everybody says about sigmatel 9228, which is that with this trick, audio will only work through the left headphone jack, i get the audio nicely coming out from the internal speakers..the problem is actually the opposite, I can't get audio "just" from the will still come out of the speakers as well. So be sure you're gonna play something nice cause you are gonna bother people around no audio input works, but, in life you can't always get everything, right? Although it can be tempting to download a later release like 1.17 or 1.18, just get the 1.16 one...i've read that more recent releases don't necessarely work...i trusted that and it worked for me, so it must work for you..unless you wanna try, but then you're on your own So now, to recap, you have a working installation of Leopard where the only things that still need some work are: Battery icon - it's missing: it was there if you were to install the speedstep option, but then, as discussed, that causes too much troubles and it's not a feasible options..there are work around for this, one is downloading a small application that display the battery info on the bar, others are to mess around with some kext...the truth is, as much as i understood so far, that messing around with those kext "invalidate" the installation, meaning that, as it is now, with the stock kernel and original apple kexts, you are "eligible" to download updates from the "software update" application, just like any other mac...with the messing around, the installation becomes an "hybrid" so to speak and it won't let apple updates to go least this is my understanding. So, at least for me, i will keep looking for something that will allow me to keep the updates functionality...also, i think that when 10.5.2 will be released(probably within a week) this issue might be solved as well. Speedstep - it's missing: Basically, same story as the battery was there, it's not there anymore...installing it will produce the same effect as messing with the battery kext. and again, it seems that 10.5.2 will address speedstep issues as well...poor macbookpro(lame) users are having issues, so Uncle Steve come to the rescue Shutdown/Restart/Sleep - Not working: As i said there was a time when it was working, and my bet is that the all 3 things here are related...chances are that when the solution for one will come up, the other 2 will get fixed as well...future look bright! Oh, the integrated card reader doesn't work either...but hey, this is not a Windows afteral In the meantime, just enjoy what you have, which is already more than enough i think Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nrgtek Posted April 3, 2008 Share Posted April 3, 2008 Nice break down - I'm currently installing on my m1330 (however, I clicked nvidia and speedstep! - hopefullly I'm ok after) Any other word on getting battery icon and speedstep working post install? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nrgtek Posted April 3, 2008 Share Posted April 3, 2008 well, i reinstalled using just EFI and the darwin bootlader - I jsut keep getting a grey apple screen that says I mus power down and reboot...More on the topic - I booted in verboze mode and it stops at the following:First it reports, "No mapping exists for frame pointer Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xbffff6e8"Then it reads:Kernel version:Darwin Kernel Version 9.1.0 ..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nrgtek Posted April 3, 2008 Share Posted April 3, 2008 Finally got it installed - simply created 2 partitions and chose 1 to be the boot/install partition. However, canteli, you said everything worked? Does your wireless work? Maybe it's my intel wireless that dosnt... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sqalg Posted June 7, 2008 Share Posted June 7, 2008 nrgtek==> Hello , do you have succes with your Wifi adapter ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
casw1000 Posted November 21, 2008 Share Posted November 21, 2008 @Canteli. Thank you, Thank you, Thankyou. I have this working on my m1330 lappy. Just to help others here are my results / findings. When I followed your instructions I created a 32gb fat32 done the formatting etc, however I think OSX is now installed on that drive, rather than the 160gb partition that I wanted it installed on. Once install was done, I went into bios to remove CD and change the boot order to HDD first. I saved and rebooted again and during bootup I got the circle with a line through it. I rebooted and this time used the -v flag to see what was wrong. I wasn't sure but it was sticking on something. I recall my early days of pc based hackintosh's and recall that ACHI was not liked very much, I changed my bios default of ACHI mode and turned off flash cache (whatever that is). saved and rebooted. This time I got the Apple welcome video and I knew I was there. The things that dont work right now are: Wi-fi, network, sound, 1280x800 video. Because I dont have ethernet connectivity, I will have to wait until I get home to download the kexts / patches that you linked to. I bought my Dell in March 2008, so I am guessing that I might have a slightly newer bios and hence why I turned off ACHI. One last thing, do I HAVE to do the register thing during the final setup. If anyone else has taken this further and got more working, please share. If there is something here that I can help someone else, please ask, however I take no credit for getting this working, that goes to Canteli & iATKOS for this release. Thanks again. Colin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
casw1000 Posted November 21, 2008 Share Posted November 21, 2008 Hmm, I wish I could get the network adapter working. How about everyone else who keeps asking about XPS M1330, how are you all getting on with running Leo on your Dell. Anyone? Colin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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