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My laptop is Hasee(a Chinese computer brand like Dell in the US) L520t:

Intel Core 2 Duo T5500, 2G DDR II 667MHz, 945PM, 80G SATA,Ati Mobility Radeon X1600, 15.4" TFT 1680x1050, Realtek HD Audio ALC883

Mac OSX Edition: Tiger 10.4.8


I found a driver that told me to edit ATIinject.kext with my own EDID. I can see my Hasee laptop using DFP1, not LVDS as its LCD, but most laptops use LVDS as its Main LCD Output. When I edited it and actived it, my laptop really recognize my LCD on 1680x1050, but QE & CI was not supported!


I tried some other drivers, but no one can show me the OSX Desktop, showing me Black-Screen instead...


How to Active BOTH my X1600 and QE/CI? I think most drivers used the common LCD output port but my laptop used that port as DVI-OUT...


Or who can tell me the hotkey to avtive OSX's DVI-OUT......maybe it could run?

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