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Okay SticMAN, you want to say this, but here is a forum in Spanish.

Please, I do not happen, I never write in the main forum is in English, a topic or post in another language.


Thanks and greetings MacOff


PD perdonadme mi ingles es peor que el vuestro...

Do you think, considering that you do, that maybe if someone needs help that you might not be the ONLY one that can converse in more than one language?

The fact that NO-ONE was able to help him and i could understand and support, should count in my favour!? maybe you should put a sign on the front of "your forum" saying: for Spanish ONLY, DO NOT ENTER!




ps, gettalife!



Okay SticMAN, you want to say this, but here is a forum in Spanish.

Please, I do not happen, I never write in the main forum is in English, a topic or post in another language.


Thanks and greetings MacOff


PD perdonadme mi ingles es peor que el vuestro...


Stickman: i really thank you for your help.


MacOff: I must agree with Stickman, although nobody answer in spanish yet, i really appreciate any help. This is a sub forum from the original one, that is an ENGLISH FORUM, so to enter here you must have some understanding of english. I've posted my requeriment here, 'cos my mother languaje is spanish, and ofcourse is easiest for my to read in spanish than english.


Anyway, i've posted the problem in the english in "OS X Leopard (10.5) subforum.

You're WELCOME, as English is also NOT my first language, I have found that very few people even bother to check the "other" languages to see if they can help,

I'm trying to learn and can pick up a lot by reading the Italian, French, Spanish and Portoguese forums!


I just have a problem trying to read the Chinese Forums!! :)








Stickman: i really thank you for your help.


MacOff: I must agree with Stickman, although nobody answer in spanish yet, i really appreciate any help. This is a sub forum from the original one, that is an ENGLISH FORUM, so to enter here you must have some understanding of english. I've posted my requeriment here, 'cos my mother languaje is spanish, and ofcourse is easiest for my to read in spanish than english.


Anyway, i've posted the problem in the english in "OS X Leopard (10.5) subforum.

Sticman y dzuniga:

Si me parece bien que te haya ayudado , lo que no me parace bien que lo haga aquí.

Escribe un topic o un post en español en el foro central (que es en ingles) y veras que los tigres se te comen.

Yo no sé ingles, utilizo un traductor para entenderlo y no creo que por esto deva de ser motivo de burla.


Sin más saludos MacOff


PD Dzuniga ya habias preguntado sobre tu tema y te contesté, aun estoy esperando tu respuesta.


Sticman y dzuniga:

Si me parece bien que te haya ayudado , lo que no me parace bien que lo haga aquí.

Escribe un topic o un post en español en el foro central (que es en ingles) y veras que los tigres se te comen.

Yo no sé ingles, utilizo un traductor para entenderlo y no creo que por esto deva de ser motivo de burla.


Sin más saludos MacOff


PD Dzuniga ya habias preguntado sobre tu tema y te contesté, aun estoy esperando tu respuesta.



MacOff, no fue mi intención ofenderte en ningun caso, tan solo te hice presente que este sub foro se encuentra en un sitio en ingles, por lo que es practicamente imposible no entender dicho idioma para llegar aqui.





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