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Hold down power button error?

Tlime machine

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Booting with rd=disk0s1 give me the apple grey screen with the hold down power button message...

Booting without typing rd=disk0s1 and with the iATKOS1.0r2 dvd works... Can someone explain this, cause its weird why only the dvd boot method works... :blink:

Note: Not typing rd=disk0s1 and when no dvd is inserted it give me the no sign...

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Booting with rd=disk0s1 give me the apple grey screen with the hold down power button message...

Booting without typing rd=disk0s1 and with the iATKOS1.0r2 dvd works... Can someone explain this, cause its weird why only the dvd boot method works... :D

Note: Not typing rd=disk0s1 and when no dvd is inserted it give me the no sign...


first of all, this is called a "kernel panic". When describing your problem, you should always use this term because it is widely recognized.


whats the "no sign"?


try typing "rd=disk0s1 -v". The "-v" tells it to boot in verbose mode which gives debugging info. When it stops outputting new stuff and freezes, take a picture and post it.


booting in verbose mode is standard procedure for determining boot problems.




I will watch this topic and try to help you if I can.

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right... testing now :unsure:

The code works with dvd inserted, now testing without it...

Note: the no-sign is the :censored2: waiting for root device error


Edit: Strange... Leopard/iATKOS boots up without the dvd, but with the code, now testing again to confirm results


AGP:not supported 244e

Extension "com.apple.driver.AppleHIDKeyboard" has no explicit kernel dependency; using Version 6.0.

Still waiting for root device

Still waiting for root device



Note: Sometimes I get an successful booting, where by I get the jettisoning kenel linker just after the AppleHIDKeyboard

and a few more lines before iATKOS boots


Waiting for root device error seems to occur when booting with the grey screen with rd=disk0s1, whereby using rd=disk0s1 -v the waiting for root device error rarely occurs


Can I boot with the code rd=disk0s1 -v but with the graphical boot?

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that should work. why don't you try it?


also, there is a way to add the graphics mode to the com.apple.boot.plist.


When you ask a question, ALWAYS post your hardware. What is it?


use the search engine in my sig when you need help. it is based on google, but only searches OSx86 sites, and was made by a member of this site.




here is a link to the search results for your error:



the first link looks promising. nforce is a motherboard chipset.

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that should work. why don't you try it?


also, there is a way to add the graphics mode to the com.apple.boot.plist.

err... graphics mode?



Acer Aspire P4, 'northwood',phoenix technologies, 2.6GHz

Samsung writemaster DVD rw

Maxtor HD with ATA connection

Apple Keyboard (the new one), USB2.0

Ram 512 DDR2 SDRAM

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