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I am a complete newbie to mac.

I was able to install TOH RC2 and after install I can boot up into mac os x

with the dvd in the drive.

I go to utilities and terminal and here is the result:



Last login: Sun Jan 13 12:54:59 on ttys000

sam-chases-acpi:~ samchase$

sam-chases-acpi:~ samchase$ cd /volumes/untitled/hack

sam-chases-acpi:hack samchase$ ls

files patch.sh readme.txt

sam-chases-acpi:hack samchase$ ./patch.sh Leopard

-bash: ./patch.sh: Permission denied

sam-chases-acpi:hack samchase$ sudo ./patch.sh Leopard

sudo: ./patch.sh: command not found


Untitled is my windows xp partition and the patch.sh is in the hack folder.

as you can see, after i type ls, it shows patch.sh in the directory.

But i either get permission denied or after putting sudo in front i get command not found.

My os x installation is named Leopard.

I also moved the hack folder to my Leopard disk partition and changed the first command to

cd /volumes/leopard/hack but i still get permission denied.

Please help, what am I doing wrong???

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