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iTunes locking up while "Updating iTunes Library"


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With my Leopard install running and connected to the internet, I figured I'd get my music in iTunes. At first I tried just adding my entire "iTunes Music" folder (on my Windows NTFS drive), but that would lock it up. A friend of mine suggested setting symbolic links to the files and folders of my Windows iTunes stuff; that worked (I installed MacFUSE and NTFS-3G(. I can see my music when I run iTunes. The only problem is when I run iTunes, it starts "Updating iTunes Library" and the progress bar freezes anywhere from just over half to 4/5 of the way there, then iTunes locks up. I've tried a couple of different things (disabling internet connection, changing files, etc) but none have helped.


Does anybody have any ideas? I'm open to any suggestions :hysterical:


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