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Install by Restoring Partition


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I have a huge problem I have a dell Inspiron 6400 and will not read ANY Leopard Installation dvd's, So I got it installed on an external drive on another computer (also the other computers Sata isn't detected in Leo, so I can install leo directly to my hdd). I partitioned my hdd with vista and left the other half ready for leopard (unallocated).


So will Using restore partition work for leopard?on a half vista hdd?


Please I want to get this to work without killing vista.


Thanks, Leo

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i have a dell 640m.i use usbhdd install my leo.i hope this can help you.

you can use a usbhdd with itakos to install leopard.

first you need a mac or hackmac and a leoinstallcd(i prefer to itakos)

then use the mac restore the leoinstallcd img to you usbhdd.(you need a darwin boot loader on usbhdd)

then boot you laptop from usbhdd with f12(before,you may need turn off one of your cpu core)

and install it like using a cd.

and enjoy.

any question plz mail singlezhangxing AT Gmail.com

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