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FIXED: iAtkos 1.0ir2 Only Boots On Hardisk if the Installer is in the DVD drive

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Hi. iAtkos 1.0 ir2 only boots on my sata (orange port) hardisk if the installer is in the DVD drive (IDE). What's the fix for this? If I removed the installer, it won't boot to the hardisk. My motherboard is a GA-965P-DS3 rev. 1.0 (it's is not set to AHCI- i've tried AHCI, doesn't work too). I've installed the OSx86 bootloader (the EFI emulator does not work when I installed this bootloader). Thanks in advance.

Hi. I'm not sure if this solution is available already. Mine's booting on the hardisk now without needing the iAtkos installer :)

I used the latest stable Gparted Live CD. Read the GParted instructions upon booting and when it gets to the desktop, you'll see that the Flag is already set to boot. Carefully check what the buttons are for.


On Manage Flags for the disk where iAtkos is installed, click and reclick the boot option, exit then refresh for good measure. Boot. My motherboard is GA-965P-DS3 rev. 1.0 and the AHCI on the BIOS is set to Enabled. I hope it works for your setup.


[Coz' I've installed a lot of things trying to make it work, just for a cleaner install even though it's all good now, I'll be reinstalling everything and will be trying the EFI emulation bootloader. Hopefully this Leopard installation will help me earn to save up for a real Mac this year.]

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