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in that case you have to write the correct argument in darwin bootloader after -v comand so that it dumps the stuff it writes to a log file or it already has a log file some where ?

any one knows?


taking a snapshot with your digital camera is the quickest solution, yet I wonder about that log file...



clean the log in single user mode first,

and reboot in verbose wud make u

easier to examine!


Let me se if I have got it write


boot in single user mode

cd /var/log enter

rm system.log enter


and reboot

in bootloader type


and then what is wud ? ;)

Let me se if I have got it write


boot in single user mode

cd /var/log enter

rm system.log enter


and reboot

in bootloader type


and then what is wud ? :P


A bit pedantic maybe, but I would rather do this:


cd /var/log enter

cp system.log system.log.20080109 enter (optional: copy log first and date stamp it)

> system.log enter (empty the log file, rather than delete it)

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