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hey i just read about 100 pages from this post


but i cant get 5.1 working on my config *see signature

so em i miss somtething or what?


plz i cant use my MAC without sound *i have sound but only on my headphones ^_^ so plz plz plz help me





PS. and this forum defenetly need something like FAQ Sticked thread


somthing like this:


Darwin is blababalala


PC_DFI is blblbllalal


Gigabute P965 - DS3 Leopard installation gudes are:

link 1

link 2


Asus p5kc tiger instalation gudes are:




Sound ACL88* instalation:


link 2


here is what i did:




and here is tut if u get 3 chanak working how to make them work like 5.1 system:




If you have 3 outputs working you can setup 5.1 using Audio MIDI Setup found in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder. On the menu bar select "Audio>Open Aggregate Device Editor". Click on the "+" square and it will add a new aggregate device. Now select "Use" next to each output you want to add(usually the first 3) and click "done". Change Default Output to the "Aggregate Device". Now select "Aggregate Device" in the Properties For: box and click on "Configure Speakers". Click "Multichannel" and select "5.1 Surround". When your done configuring your speakers the way you want them, make sure you click "Apply" before "Done". You should now have 5.1 surround sound working.



ok i have managed to make them working 5.1 but not totaly when i click on corresponding speaker in setings im geting corect feedback:

"im kliking for example on canter speaker in seting and i hear sound on my center spekaer !"


here is image:



but when i play music whit itunes its only playing on surround and center speaker but subwofer and sidespeakers dont work,


so is there any way to make all aplication to use Default Outout: Aggragate Device


and whats System Output in midi setings? couse i cant select same device like for default output??


so anybody wana help to solve this? im totaly new with mac and i dotn know what more to doo ?

Use your head. Read that guide again. You need to have at least 3 channel out to make a 5.1 channel configuration. All you have now are: Default line out, Headphone out (which comes out of the front pannel) and digital out (which comes out of digital channel).


3 channels come out of 3 different ports (1 in the back, 1 in the front, 1 in the SPDIF optical out), you can't have 5.1 surround. Got it?

have a look, this is my config, it is in spanish:








if you have a 5.1 sound system check the connections and when you press over the speaker you have to hear a sound (well, a noise). Also check in System--preferences--sound-output that Aggragate Device is selected. After that all app. should use the aggragate device as a default output sound. I did this in a gigabyte 945GCMX-S2.

  • 1 month later...

well, i found this very interesting, but a few problems:


- i can't control volume

- when i play a movie, the sound plays reversed, the front signal in rear speakers and vice-versa

- if i try to switch channels, the sound still gets reversed.

- center/subwoofer don't seem to work

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