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[Guide] Installing Leopard on an ASUS P5B Motherboard. Updated for 10.5.2 and Front USB!

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I haven't found a Leopard guide for the P5B yet, so I decided to write one.


Scroll below Post-Installation Instructions for 10.5.2 update info!


Here's my system specs


Intel Core 2 Duo E6600



nVidia GeForce 7600GS



Here's what you need that you may not already have:

Kalyway 10.5.1 iso, burned to a DVD

PC EFI files

External DVD Drive (for the installation of OS X, if you do not have a SATA drive)

A flash drive (USB key, thumb drive, whatever you want to call it)

External Hard Drive (optional for Time Machine)

A backup of ALL YOUR DATA!!!



1. Burn your Kalyway 10.5.1 iso, lower speeds are preferred


2. Format your flash drive FAT16 if it isn't already, give it a simple name that you can remember, and copy the PC EFI folder to it (All terminal commands given will be for PC_EFI_v8)




1. plug in your external DVD drive, press F8 at the BIOS screen to go to the boot options. Select your external DVD drive, press enter


2.press F8 again when it says press F8 for boot options (this is right before darwin loads), type -vanilla


3.The thing will load. You might be stuck at the loading darwin screen for a while, I had to wait 25 minutes to get to the installation screens, so be patient.


4.Once you are at the install screens, choose your language...blah blah blah...all the usual stuff.


5. When you get to the choose destination part, go up to the menu bar, and choose Disk Utility


6. Select your HDD, it may appear as an external one, but that's ok, just ignore that for now.


7. Now go to partition, and under volume scheme, select what you want. I chose 1 because it is my only OS.


8. Now go to the bottom (to the right but the + and - buttons), there, you will see a options button, click it, and select GUID.


9. Click format drive. If it says resource busy and can't format, look on the 4th button on the top bar with all the icons. Make sure the volume is mounted!


10. Close disk utility


11. Plug in your USB key


12. go to utilities, and then system profiler


13. On the left, select Serial-ATA


14. Find the volume you are looking for, on the 5th line under the volume, it should say BSD name, in the form of disk0s2


15. Remember that, and close system profiler.


16. Launch terminal


17. The following are terminal commands, do not mistype them.


diskutil unmount disk0s2

cd /Volumes/123/PC_EFI_v80

./startupfiletool /dev/rdisk0s2 ./boot_v8

dd if=./guid/boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2 bs=512 count=1

dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/disk0 bs=400 count=1


the above code assumes that target volume is disk0s2, and you are using PC EFI v8, if you are not, replace these with the appropriate words.


18. Quit terminal


19. Select the volume that we've been working on in installer.


20. Click customize, under bootloaders EFI, unselect all of them!


21. Select all under vanilla_kernel_ACPIPlatform


22.Select the drivers for your system.


23. Click install


24. Now you have a working installation of Leopard! Follow the post install instructions if you want.




1.Ethernet should work without patching


2.Video acceleration will depend on your gfx card and the drive you chose


3.If you want a unmodded system, get Laik's virginizer



3. To get sound working, download and install here (only line out, no input, sorry :( )



5. You may have to choose the appropriate resolution and color profile for your monitor.


6. To fix the problem with Macintosh HD being recognized as a external HD

download http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?act...st&id=19279


7. Extract files


8. move them to /System/Library/Extensions


9. Open terminal


sudo -s

type password

cd /System/Library/Extensions

chown -R root:wheel AppleAHCIPort.kext

chmod -R 755 AppleAHCIPort.kext

chown -R root:wheel IOAHCIFamily.kext

chmod -R 755 IOAHCIFamily.kext

chown -R root:wheel IOATAFamily.kext

chmod -R 755 IOATAFamily.kext


Now go to /System/Library and delete Extensions.mkext


reboot and the drive should appear as internal!




10.5.2 Instructions


For this, you will need kalyway_10.5.2_kernels.mpkg.zip and kalyway_hack_10.5.2ComboUpdate from a certain bay of pirates...


Pre-Installation Instructions


Remember, it's never a bad idea to back up your /System/Library/Extensions Folder. Also back up any important files you many have!

Installation Instructions:


1. Extract kalyway_hack_10.5.2ComboUpdate, run the installer.


2. When prompted for restart, do not press restart, instead, start Disk Utility


3. Find Macintosh HD (or whatever drive you installed Leopard on), and press repair permissions


4. After permissions repair is complete, close disk utility and press restart


5. The system will reboot, then be stuck at the Apple+Gear. The gear will spin aprox 40 times before the system restarts itself.


6. The system will boot, then the screen is going to go black. This will last aprox 3 mins. Be patient and do something else while you wait.


7. You will see your login screen. Log in as normal.


8. Extract kalyway_10.5.2_kernels.mpkg.zip, run the installer.


9. Depending on your CPU, choose the appropriate kernel. I have a Core 2 Duo. I chose Vanilla


10. Wait till the installer finishes, when it does, open disk utilities and repair permissions.


11. Restart


12. On first restart, you might see a kernel panic (where the screen goes dark and asks you to hold down the power button). This is normal, just do what it says. It should not happen again.


Post Installation Instructions


Depending on your graphics card, you may want to run the Leopard Graphics Update from software update.


I have a nVidia GeForce 760GS (256MB) from MSI. Everything works fine after the update.



***Front USB***

Go to the advanced tab of your BIOS. Disable USB Legacy support, now your front ports should also work.

that's probably because your chipset isn't supported :( your best chances of getting OS X on a PC is a new computer. you would hafta ask the PC EFI guys on whether they playying on supporting your chipset...


FYI, here's ur chipset info


North Bridge ATI Radeon Xpress 200

South Bridge ULi M1573

That's too much work for 10.5.1 on a P5B. Here is what I did for iATKOS 1.0i r2 on my P5B.

  1. boot iATKOS DVD
  2. use Disk Utility to repartition the HDD to a single MBR type partition and format it as JHFS+
  3. install iATKOS with the following options: EFI bootload (with vanilla kernel), Yukon network driver, SATA driver, NVinject (select the appropriate video driver for your card)
  4. reboot and enjoy

If you use the original 1.0i release, then you need to install the bootloader from the Utility drop down menu on the iATKOS DVD. It's easy as pie.

Falling at almost the first hurdle here....struggling with the USB drive.


With this command from the guide I am assuming the 123 is the name of the USB drive?

cd /Volumes/123/PC_EFI_v80


secondly the PC_EFI_v80 folder is that the correct name? (i.e. with the underscores? in the zip I downloaded it does not have underscores...this questions sounds very stupid) does it need underscores or can the terminal process directory names with spaces?


and thirdly.... having a problem with Darwin even seeing the USB key when I plug it in...anyway to get it to search for a drive or should it come up auto? managed to get it to display once after rebooting with the drive in...not managed it since.


Any help greatly appreciated.....I tried the iATKOS DVD that thing would not even get to Darwin. PC spec is Asus P5B (BIOS 1803), 2gb DDR 800, P4 630, 8800gtx, Sata DVD and HD.





That's too much work for 10.5.1 on a P5B. Here is what I did for iATKOS 1.0i r2 on my P5B.
  1. boot iATKOS DVD
  2. use Disk Utility to repartition the HDD to a single MBR type partition and format it as JHFS+
  3. install iATKOS with the following options: EFI bootload (with vanilla kernel), Yukon network driver, SATA driver, NVinject (select the appropriate video driver for your card)
  4. reboot and enjoy

If you use the original 1.0i release, then you need to install the bootloader from the Utility drop down menu on the iATKOS DVD. It's easy as pie.


Those options finally enabled me to boot without DVD. Something I did different before was keeping me from it. I think it could be that I set bootflag in gparted BEFORE installing Leopard this time along with selecting the same options as you posted here. Great success!

Falling at almost the first hurdle here....struggling with the USB drive.


With this command from the guide I am assuming the 123 is the name of the USB drive?

cd /Volumes/123/PC_EFI_v80


secondly the PC_EFI_v80 folder is that the correct name? (i.e. with the underscores? in the zip I downloaded it does not have underscores...this questions sounds very stupid) does it need underscores or can the terminal process directory names with spaces?


and thirdly.... having a problem with Darwin even seeing the USB key when I plug it in...anyway to get it to search for a drive or should it come up auto? managed to get it to display once after rebooting with the drive in...not managed it since.


Any help greatly appreciated.....I tried the iATKOS DVD that thing would not even get to Darwin. PC spec is Asus P5B (BIOS 1803), 2gb DDR 800, P4 630, 8800gtx, Sata DVD and HD.






you need to plug it into the back, for some reason, the front won't work. and if i remember correctly, if you put spaces, it won't work, in terminal, you had to replace all spaces with underscores. but i could be wrong, so if you try cd /Volumes/123(assuming thats the name of the thing)/pc efi v80 or watever, it could work, but if it doesnt, it wont damage ur system, it'll only say file not found, and u need to retype with underscores


as for the easier method...I guess that could work, but at that time, I only had the brazilmac dvd, the iATKOS dvd, the pcefi files and the kalyway dvd with me, so my options were pretty limited



I tried to install Leopard on my P5B Deluxe using Eric's method, but the installer won't detect my USB mass storage devices. Neither the USB-Stick with the pc_efi_v8 files nor the USB-HDD on wich I plan to install Leopard. My USB-Mouse works perfectly. I also tried iAKTOS 1.0 which recognizes the USB devices,

but after the installation is completed it 

will not boot (only a blinking dash is shown and that's all). Where is the problem?





I there anybody have shutdown problem with asus p5b? I use iatkos 1.0i everything is fine but the only problem is shutdown and restart. Whenever I sutdown my computer it doesnt work. The only way to shut down the computer is push the power button for a while. There is a topic about this problem and no solution yet for asus p5b.



I am stuck in the USB part.


I have Windows XP

I choose my USB drive, right clicked it-> Format -> Chose 'FAT' (This is FAT16 right?)

I named the Drive 123 in the Label area. And formated

I copy-pasted the PC EFI folder into the drive.


But when i goto the console and say

cd /Volumes/123/PC_EFI_v80


it says drive doesnt exist.

I then went into 'Volumes' and then tried going into 123, but it says drive doesnt exist there.

I went to System Profiler and it shows my USB there.

Please help, what am I doing wrong. is there some BIOS setting I am suppose to enable, everything is in default, 'cept boot priority.



  • 2 weeks later...

ya, there are some USB problems...try the ports at the back...the ones in the front are USB1.1 only...havent figured out how to fix that yet :(


and as for the shutdown thingy...it doesnt work...hopefully some1 will find the solution :(

  • 3 weeks later...


everything works fine untill the point where i type:

dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/disk0 bs=400 count=1


it says /dev/disk0: Resource busy... and if i quit Terminal, the drive i formated for leopard is away.

maybe because it's unmounted...? do i have to mount it again? why ist busy?

(sorry i'm still a noob i think)


any help would be appriciated





Best guide ever!


Only my Asus EN7900GS 256MB does not work.(only resolution 1024x786) when i install a driver like nvinject 1.3 or 2.1 it hangs just before the login screen.


When i boot into safemode the resolution is ok!?! (1600x1200)






everything works fine untill the point where i type:

dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/disk0 bs=400 count=1


it says /dev/disk0: Resource busy... and if i quit Terminal, the drive i formated for leopard is away.

maybe because it's unmounted...? do i have to mount it again? why ist busy?

(sorry i'm still a noob i think)


any help would be appriciated




did you unmount the drives properly? maybe that's causing the problem...





Best guide ever!


Only my Asus EN7900GS 256MB does not work.(only resolution 1024x786) when i install a driver like nvinject 1.3 or 2.1 it hangs just before the login screen.


When i boot into safemode the resolution is ok!?! (1600x1200)




glad you have almost everything working...but I can't really help with your gfx card... sorry ;)

All steps goes good


formatted whole 320gb hd in GUid, 2 partitions "Leo" and "Bck"


copied efi on usb hd

the script and all the rest is ok

installed with all vanilla and no efi boot options


but when i reboot after the install i got Panic :P


can't post result, but is about Ati1000.kext or ATI1950 or something similar, anyway related to gfx


My card is SAPPHIRE ATI X1950 pro 512 PCIE


tried without any drivers,

selecting only NATIT

NATIT and 19X0 driver

and also both of them


but same result! :(


booting in -safe mode is ok, but i can't use keyboard!!


so I can't make the first stuff like name password etc :(


any suggest please?

my conf is in the Signature

please I already formatted about 10 times in these days and now i'm on linux :)


*with the Toh2 rc2 I can't boot without dvd inserted and i got problems with system profiler

are u sure i dont have to set my IDE to ahci before [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] with the disk?

Couple of questions, if anyone can help:


How do I get my internal USB ports recognised? I can't get my internal card reader or the wifi on the board working (I think it's USB related - all others work though)


How do I make Leopard see my DVD drive? I booted off the drive using my USB drive caddy and the HD on the PATA ports, which worked, but can't get the DVD drive to work when the HD is on the caddy and the DVD on the PATA.

I've just reinstalled to see if I can fix anything. Got the DVD drive working - think it may have been setting it to master that helped (saw that in another post)


During the install I loaded the System Profiler and noticed that the Realtek wireless card on the board showed up, something it doesn't do when booted into OSX. What does the installer do that a standard boot doesn't to get the wifi detected? Any ideas?

  • 2 weeks later...
Hi!everything works fine untill the point where i type:dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/disk0 bs=400 count=1it says /dev/disk0: Resource busy... and if i quit Terminal, the drive i formated for leopard is away.maybe because it's unmounted...? do i have to mount it again? why ist busy?(sorry i'm still a noob i think)any help would be appriciatedthanks schroeng
You gotta make sure you type in the right drive id. I have a P5B-E and a bunch of hard drives. In my case, most of the time the drive I wanna use shows up as disk0 but sometimes disk1. After you format the thing, make sure you UNMOUNT the partition (or all the partitions if you've partitioned it) in the disk utility.NO, you shouldn't mount it again. Thanks Eric C! I got everything to work! However, I had to use the modbin kernel after the 10.5.2 update because for some weird reason the vanilla one won't let me shutdown. Restart works though.Sleep still doesn't work, but I'm gonna try out the 9.2.0 netkas kernel tonight.
Falling at almost the first hurdle here....struggling with the USB drive.With this command from the guide I am assuming the 123 is the name of the USB drive?cd /Volumes/123/PC_EFI_v80 secondly the PC_EFI_v80 folder is that the correct name? (i.e. with the underscores? in the zip I downloaded it does not have underscores...this questions sounds very stupid) does it need underscores or can the terminal process directory names with spaces?and thirdly.... having a problem with Darwin even seeing the USB key when I plug it in...anyway to get it to search for a drive or should it come up auto? managed to get it to display once after rebooting with the drive in...not managed it since.Any help greatly appreciated.....I tried the iATKOS DVD that thing would not even get to Darwin. PC spec is Asus P5B (BIOS 1803), 2gb DDR 800, P4 630, 8800gtx, Sata DVD and HD.Cheers,Aden.
Oh by the way, I found out that if you don't want to rename the folder with underscores, you can just add quotation marks before and after the folder name like this: cd /Volumes/123/"PC EFI v80"
Falling at almost the first hurdle here....struggling with the USB drive.With this command from the guide I am assuming the 123 is the name of the USB drive?cd /Volumes/123/PC_EFI_v80 secondly the PC_EFI_v80 folder is that the correct name? (i.e. with the underscores? in the zip I downloaded it does not have underscores...this questions sounds very stupid) does it need underscores or can the terminal process directory names with spaces?and thirdly.... having a problem with Darwin even seeing the USB key when I plug it in...anyway to get it to search for a drive or should it come up auto? managed to get it to display once after rebooting with the drive in...not managed it since.Any help greatly appreciated.....I tried the iATKOS DVD that thing would not even get to Darwin. PC spec is Asus P5B (BIOS 1803), 2gb DDR 800, P4 630, 8800gtx, Sata DVD and HD.Cheers,Aden.
Oh by the way, I found out that if you don't want to rename the folder with underscores, you can just add quotation marks before and after the folder name like this: cd /Volumes/123/"PC EFI v80"
Falling at almost the first hurdle here....struggling with the USB drive.With this command from the guide I am assuming the 123 is the name of the USB drive?cd /Volumes/123/PC_EFI_v80 secondly the PC_EFI_v80 folder is that the correct name? (i.e. with the underscores? in the zip I downloaded it does not have underscores...this questions sounds very stupid) does it need underscores or can the terminal process directory names with spaces?and thirdly.... having a problem with Darwin even seeing the USB key when I plug it in...anyway to get it to search for a drive or should it come up auto? managed to get it to display once after rebooting with the drive in...not managed it since.Any help greatly appreciated.....I tried the iATKOS DVD that thing would not even get to Darwin. PC spec is Asus P5B (BIOS 1803), 2gb DDR 800, P4 630, 8800gtx, Sata DVD and HD.Cheers,Aden.
Oh by the way, I found out that if you don't want to rename the folder with underscores, you can just add quotation marks before and after the folder name like this: cd /Volumes/123/"PC EFI v80"
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